Kane68 Member


  • Definite progress there, you must be delighted, keep it going. I started about a week before you, took a photo at the time, plan on taking another after a month. I'll post here when I do. My sats. are: Age 49 Height 5'8'' Starting Weight 205lbs (29/07/2018) Weight Last Friday (I only weigh once per week) 197lbs I run,…
  • I'm also doing Intermitting fasting, tried OMAD last year, but later found that 16:8 works better for me. Good luck, do what feels right. Also can't recommend highly enough that you should start lifting, if you're fairly new to lifting your gym should write you up a routine, I found keeping a workout diary when you're at…
  • 16:8 Intermitting Fasting absolutely does work.
  • I'm getting good results from 16:8 Intermitting fasting. lost 7 lbs. in 4 weeks, more energy. I also feel subjectively better in mind and body.
  • The reason why Intermitting fasting works is because of insulin. Your body will not metabolize (burn) fat while you have insulin in your body, insulin is a hormone that manages the food you eat, it either breaks it down to glycogen for immediate energy source, or stores is as fat. It takes around 4 hours for you insulin…
  • Kane68 wrote: » My biggest problem is, I feel I can't trust MFP calorie use for exercise. It just does not add up. I can often have 1000+ calories at the end of the day, but I know if I eat them, there is no way I'm going to lose weight. I wish there was a more accurate way to count your calorie burn. Personally If I’m not…
  • My biggest problem is, I feel I can't trust MFP calorie use for exercise. It just does not add up. I can often have 1000+ calories at the end of the day, but I know if I eat them, there is no way I'm going to lose weight. I wish there was a more accurate way to count your calorie burn. Personally If I’m not super careful…
  • IMO exercise of any kind is a very poor method to losing weight. Exercise is great for your health and has many other beifits. I do a lot of exercise and always have, but it has not kept me thin, i use exercise as a way to eat a little bit more and to mitigate the effects of dieting. The amount of people that go for a long…
  • Thats epic, great results, you must feel fantastic!!
  • Thanks for the feedback, all good points. I'm very guilty of weighting myself everyday, and I do this knowing full well that my weight will zig-zag. Just that 5lbs seemed quite a swing for one bad day.. I'm now back down to 203 lbs. My wasitline is definatley smaller. your right i did eat alot of carbs, not so much salt,…
    in WTF!! Comment by Kane68 May 2014
  • The MFP execise calorie calculator is bollocks and should be ignored. It's not even a ball park figure.
  • Good post, struggling with the weight lose at the moment.