Jim_Barteck Member


  • You have the "right" to call. But the doctor also has the right and *obligation* not to discuss your father's medical treatment with you without his express permission. The HIPPAA laws prevent it. So, while I don't disagree that a conversation with the doctor will be helpful, you're going to need your father to give his…
  • It would only be hypocritical if I hadn't actually lived in Europe. Once again, you presume too much. I was born in Berlin and am actually a dual-citizen of Germany and the US. I'm pretty sure that boots the "hypocritical" argument right out the window. I will repeat myself: Have a great day :)
  • I'm not going to get into a big argument, but you actually specifically did talk about what American doctors were prescribing and made unsupported claims about why they prescribed what they did - neither of which were legal arguments. And you specifically mentioned European doctors and their practice of medicine - not…
  • 1) The reason there are far less malpractice suits in Europe than the US is primarily because of the difference in laws between the two: In a government-run healthcare system, you would essentially be suing the government, which has far greater resources to quash a malpractice suit than in a privately-run system - so only…
  • With all due respect, claiming to know a great deal about pharamacology because you "took an entire semester" is like claiming to be an expert mathematician because you took Algebra last year. 84 total hours of training isn't going to make you an expert on *ANYTHING*. The problem with doctors (in general, not specifically…
  • This. The first time I eat a particular food or use an ingredient in a recipe, I check it against the label (or USDA if it's produce or a cut of meat). Then, whenever I eat/use it again, I go back to my "Recent Foods" and select it from there because I know I've already verified its accuracy. I could care less about…
  • As long as you stay within your calorie limit, you *will* lose weight....However, - If you're not getting enough protein, then your body will get it anyway - from your muscles. So if you want to maintain your metabolism and avoid becoming "skinny fat," then you'll want to make sure you're meeting your protein macro daily.…
  • ::checks to make sure OP isn't on his Friend List:: If you don't like what I'm eating, you can feel free to keep that to yourself. Those who presume to judge me for what I'm eating would quickly find themselves off my list. I have never gone over my calories, and I meet the macros I target. Beyond that, OP can have a…
  • I download movies onto my tablet and watch them while I work out. I've thought about reading too, but so far it's just been movies....
  • Two weeks isn't enough time to gain enough muscle to make that kind of difference unless your pants were already too tight to begin with. Without weight differentials, changes in BF% or LBM, measurements, etc., no one is going to be able to provide you with any meaningful answers.
  • My advice when setting an "ideal weight" is to figure out at what body fat percentage you'd like to end up. (Check out Google images for examples of what people generally look like at different percentages.) Then, if you know your lean body mass, you can work backwards to your ideal weight. For example, I want to get to…
  • There is no such thing as a person who *cannot* have a flat stomach (barring some medical issue). If your stomach isn't flat yet, then you're carrying extra fat. There's just no getting around that. You can too. You just need to be patient with yourself and the process. Forget about your BMI, it's worthless as a measure of…
  • Absolutely! Depending on how you were carrying your weight in the first place and your particular genetics, weight loss from one body part to another can vary widely. This isn't unusual at all.
  • At the beginning of a weight loss program, there is often a decent amount of water weight being shed. That makes your initial weight loss look much larger than it truly is based on your diet and exercise regimen. Give it a couple of months before getting concerned about losing weight too quickly. You will likely find that…
  • The Dannon Light & Fit Strawberry Cheesecake Greek yogurt is the best to me. At only 80 calories, it more than satisfies the sweet tooth. Mixed with chia seeds, it's a whole lot of nutrition in a very small package.
  • Actually they did a study which showed that people who post about how happy they are in their relationships on social media actually ARE, on average, happier than those who don't. It may be annoying to other people, but the social science backs them up.
  • ^^THIS Tape measure. Tape measure. Tape measure. It's the best monitoring tool you can buy. It also happens to be the cheapest and easiest to use.
  • Go here to set up your ticker: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker/home
  • The Smith Machine works just fine for squats. The problem is that most people try to do them by putting their feet out in front of the bar and leaning back into the bar rather than standing up underneath it as you would a barbell. In a properly performed squat (with just a barbell), there should be very little front to…
  • QFT /end thread
  • 1. Actual scientific research shows that there is no benefit to eating more than about 0.85g/lb of protein. http://bayesianbodybuilding.com/the-myth-of-1glb-optimal-protein-intake-for-bodybuilders/ 2. If you consume excess protein, your body just converts it to energy and either burns it or stores it depending on your…
  • Then back to my original point: If you don't actually care about any advice that anyone is giving you, and all you care about is getting FAST!!!!! results here's your plan: 1. Go to the nearest grocery store. 2. Buy every 5 lb bag of candy you can find. Maybe 2. 3. Eat them all. Tomorrow. 4. Repeat as necessary. By the end…
  • Why not 4000? or 5000? or 6000? No. Those are not serious questions. The point I am, and I think other commenters are, making is that 3000 is a *completely* arbitrary number. There's nothing magic about 3000. The suggestion to set your MFP weight goal to 0.5 to 1.0 lbs per week is an excellent one. Yes, you want to gain…
  • Honestly, as long as you're meeting your protein macro and getting a decent mix of fats and carbs, the exact percentages are irrelevant. You'll find varying opinions, but the fact that a lot of people have been able to find success with low-fat, or alternately low-carb, diets is all the proof you need that neither one…
  • On the website, just go into your Frequent list and select the ones which you'd like deleted. At the bottom of the list is a button to "Delete from List." Voila!
  • At that calorie level, you are likely losing more muscle than you are fat. It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat, but only 600 calories to lose a pound of muscle. At the beginning of almost every weight loss, there is a certain amount of water weight which is sloughed off. However, the path you are on is dangerous…
  • Actually you are incorrect. I've lost 20 pounds in the last 40+ days without losing even an ounce of lean body mass, and I don't think there has been a single day on which I wasn't over on my sugar macro. I also think my years as a certified trainer and working in the fitness industry might give me a tad more insight on…