Jim_Barteck Member


  • You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Have a great day :)
  • It's not about Pop-Tarts. She was derisive and dismissive at the idea that someone could eat foods that her "nutritionist" has told her are bad for her without blowing up like a balloon. She said absolutely nothing about the problem of eating those foods in moderation. You completely made that up yourself. Reading…
  • She mocked both the people who weren't eating low carb and non-low carb diets. See the passages I previously quoted from her if you missed reading them yourself. Then she had the nerve to complain that people weren't being as nice to her as she would like. Laughable.
  • And you wonder why people are "bullying" you? Take a look in the mirror at your attitude. It wasn't what you were eating. It was that you wouldn't stop eating it. You ate too much of it. Period. Now you want to make fun of other people who can make it work simply because you didn't show the self-restraint necessary to make…
  • 1) No one invalidated your experience. They tried to explain it to you. You rejected those explanations because you didn't want to hear it. 2) You were the one being belligerent and trying to mock someone for not eating low-carb like you claim to do. So you can take your own advice about where you can go.
  • She rejected anyone who said that low-carbs aren't necessary to lose weight. That's a proven falsehood. She claims to have gotten this information from her nutritionist. If that's the sort of stuff that her nutritionist is telling her, then s/he's less qualified than your average forum participant to be speaking on the…
  • If you are eating fewer calories than you are burning, your body will burn stored fat (and/or protein) for energy. Low-carbs/High-carbs/Medium-carbs has absolutely nothing to do with basic human biology. Just think about it logically: if you don't give your body enough fuel, it's not going to do without. It IS going to get…
  • I'll do you one better. Not pop-tarts for breakfast and chips for lunch, but 2 sodas and lots of candy every day. Check my diary for proof, it's open. And I've been steadily losing weight to the tune of about 2 lbs/week. Slamming people and their diets when you have no idea what success they're having with them is never a…
  • I'm a fan of the Fiber One bars (any flavor, but lemon is my favorite). I also take Fiber Gummies. 2 gummies = 4g fiber, 15 calories Also, check out Ole Xtreme Wellness Tortillas - 5g protein, 9g fiber, 90 calories. I've made wraps using them a regular part of my diet. These three things make up the vast majority of my…
  • Although I wasn't very physically active until after high school, my past does include being a professional dancer, scuba diving instructor, and a certified personal trainer. So yes, you could say that I have been physically active in my past. I think what you're getting at is that those with a solid foundation of muscle…
  • I'm a big fan of allrecipes and yummly. I simply adjust the ingredients and serving sizes to fit our calorie/macro needs.
  • Congratulations! You found your weakest link! Every exercise is only as good as the weakest muscle in the chain required to complete the exercise. In this case, your hamstrings are your limiting factor. Basically what happened is that your hamstrings were significantly weaker than your glutes (not at all unusual for…
  • I know the machine you're talking about, and I don't think it's a particularly well-designed one. For triceps isolation, skull crushers are a good choice, as are dumbbell kickbacks. Compound exercises like the bench press and pushups are also excellent workouts for your triceps. Personally, when isolating triceps I prefer…
  • Actually there's been a word for "folks like [you]" for a very, very, very long time. That word is "omnivore." It's what human beings are. There's no need to go around making up new words to fit the latest food fashion trend. If you eat both meat and vegetables, then you're an omnivore. It's not complicated.
  • Not knowing how you spend the other 22 hours of the day, no one is going to be able to answer that question for you. Are you making as much time for your SO as you are for yourself at the gym? Meaning just you two time, actually interacting with each other, not just being in the same building or room as each other. If not,…
  • One of my favorite quick protein fixes is a deli ham or roast beef wrap. I use the Ole Xtreme Wellness tortillas, and they have 90 calories, 5g protein and 9g fiber in each one. So with 4 slices of deli meat (60 calories, 8g protein), that works out to a whopping 150 calories, 13g protein and 9g fiber. I'll often go with…
  • That's wasted emotion and wasted energy. I understand the feeling, but put it behind you. Getting annoyed with yourself doesn't help anyone - including you. What's done is done. You are in control of what will be. That's the only thing you can change. Keep your eyes focused forward and leave what's in the past in the past.…
  • You keep reading that from people who think "down and back" constitutes a natural squat motion when, in fact, it doesn't. If you are going down and back it's because your back is collapsing under the strain and you are allowing your hips to swing back in order to compensate. A properly performed squat is nearly completely…
  • Stop with the misinformation. That's flat out untrue. While the Smith Machine may not work all the stabilizer muscles that free weights do, there is no evidence that the Smith Machine actually causes injuries. Telling people that it will isn't helpful.
  • I know it's not the answer you're looking for, but the answer is actually simple: money and time. The margins in the pizza business are insane. The cost of making a pizza - especially when you're buying ingredients in bulk as chains like Domino's and Papa John's do - is miniscule compared to how much they're charging for…
  • 1. Calories 2. Protein 3. Fiber If you're meeting your protein and fiber needs and keeping within your calorie targets, your fat and carbs will work themselves out just fine.
  • If you don't like veggies, don't eat them. There are plenty of other ways to get the nutrients in them. Trying to force yourself to eat foods you don't like is a sure way to relapse and gain back the weight: eventually you're going to stop eating them in favor of foods you prefer instead. Everybody is different, and…
  • ^^THIS People often don't realize just how badly they fit into their clothes prior to losing weight. There is often some period of time spent in denial that a larger size was actually needed before they decided to lose weight. As a result, it's not unusual to take significant amounts of weight loss before they can truly…
  • All of what Vismal said, plus: different brands of mixers and alcohols can have widely differing calorie contents. Unless you're mixing the drinks yourself and are using actual measures rather than estimates, you have absolutely no idea how many calories are in it.
  • The point is: 1) That it's not a traditional salad which would be meant to be eaten in addition to a main course. It is a meal in and of itself, so 1000 calories isn't a completely outrageous amount. And 2) If you are ordering a salad under the mistaken belief that it should be low-calorie, then adding an appetizer on top…
  • Appetizers aren't meant to be eaten all by yourself. They're meant to be shared by everyone at the table, and are just supposed to hold you over until the main course arrives. It's not a whole meal all by itself. So yes, if you're eating an entire appetizer all by yourself, you're going to blow your diet - pretty much no…
  • It's the new Black Burger which Burger King is selling in Japan. I can't say as it looks any kind of appetizing to me....
  • My diary is open. Take a look. There are plenty of ways to inexpensively meet your nutritional needs as a "picky eater." We live in a relatively small town, so almost all of our shopping is done at the local WalMart. Can't get much cheaper than that.
  • You have the "right" to call. But the doctor also has the right and *obligation* not to discuss your father's medical treatment with you without his express permission. The HIPPAA laws prevent it. So, while I don't disagree that a conversation with the doctor will be helpful, you're going to need your father to give his…
  • It would only be hypocritical if I hadn't actually lived in Europe. Once again, you presume too much. I was born in Berlin and am actually a dual-citizen of Germany and the US. I'm pretty sure that boots the "hypocritical" argument right out the window. I will repeat myself: Have a great day :)