

  • I'm absolutely logging everything, set as low as it goes at 1200 cals/day which puts me at 1.5 lbs/week. I was hoping to boost that loss through exercise and tone-up as well. Eating healthy isn't that hard for me since I already do, I'm just cutting portion sizes to keep the total down. It's the alcohol, that's my…
  • Thanks for the advice! I like the weekly cals idea. It sort of aligns with the idea of fasting (500) every other day and then eating healthy but unrestricted the other days. I'd be interested if anyone has tried that - guess I need to start a new thread to ask.
  • I do this, too. Iif I had to give up going out with friends one night a week, having a few drinks, actually enjoying (moderately) the available food without wigging out, then my desire to keep up with the routine other days would be shot. It's about your overall changes, not obsessing about every single calorie! :drinker: