Broken Foot/97 Days to Vacation

Howdy! I'm going on a cruise (1st vacation ever!) in 97 days. I am 29 years old and have gained 40 lbs since I got married 7 years ago. I'd like to lose half that before we hit the ocean. (5'7", 180lbs right now)

1 - I am working/commuting from 7:30am-7:30pm daily. Time away from home is an issue., so no gym. It's also crazy hot outside here already.
2 - I broke my foot four weeks ago and am in a boot. I should be out of the boot in two more weeks, but will be on restricted impact for that foot for several more.

At home I have an old elliptical, a stationary bike, and my husband's P90X DVDs.

I already eat pretty healthy, but we love craft beer. This is a delicious carbs problem! I'm going to try to cut it out or to a minimum at home, but there are already several social events focused on beer planned soon.

Anyone have any advice on how to motivate myself to work out in the early morning (ugh), low-impact exercise routines/videos, broken foot workouts?



  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Abs in the am work for me. Cherry pickers, Balboas (bicycle crunches), leg lifts, six inch killers, that kind of thing. Lots of cardio stuff that wouldn't affect your foot.

    And I do weekly cals instead of daily. So if I'm 1200 and I eat 1000 three days out of seven that means that one of those seven days I get 1800. That's how I save up for family events or football Sundays. :bigsmile: .
  • Keri2413
    Keri2413 Posts: 4
    Abs in the am work for me. Cherry pickers, Balboas (bicycle crunches), leg lifts, six inch killers, that kind of thing. Lots of cardio stuff that wouldn't affect your foot.

    And I do weekly cals instead of daily. So if I'm 1200 and I eat 1000 three days out of seven that means that one of those seven days I get 1800. That's how I save up for family events or football Sundays. :bigsmile: .

    Thanks for the advice! I like the weekly cals idea. It sort of aligns with the idea of fasting (500) every other day and then eating healthy but unrestricted the other days. I'd be interested if anyone has tried that - guess I need to start a new thread to ask.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I cannot help with the motivation to work out, BUT I wanted to point out that exercising (while great and worthwhile) won't make you lose weight. Make sure you're logging ALL your food everyday, and remain in a calorie deficit.

    If you aim to lose 1-2 lbs a week, you might make goal before the cruise.

    Best of luck! And congrats on your vacation. Where are you cruising to?
  • Keri2413
    Keri2413 Posts: 4
    I'm absolutely logging everything, set as low as it goes at 1200 cals/day which puts me at 1.5 lbs/week. I was hoping to boost that loss through exercise and tone-up as well.

    Eating healthy isn't that hard for me since I already do, I'm just cutting portion sizes to keep the total down. It's the alcohol, that's my kryptonite and the hardest thing to give up! :drinker: