atac9806 Member


  • I would like to join please!
  • I started at 277 almost a year ago I'm down to 204 now. My mini goal is 199 by the end of Aug my long term goal is under 175 as I am 5'10. Don't wanna be skinny just want to be health and fit! Add me anyone I could use motivation most days!
  • Glad you finally posted should be very very proud you look GREAT!!!!! :p
  • I feel the same way! Would be nice if people started noticing all my hard work! :) Good job and keep it up!
  • I was wonder about those I had some asics a few years back and loved them! They seem like they run narrow, which is a great thing for me!
  • Thank you! :)
  • Hello Ryane.....good luck on your journey! Over the last few years I have either dieted or exercised but haven't really done both at the same time. I'm with Andrew you may want to re-think the herbalife, I always try to think to myself "is this something I can do for the rest of my life" Its not bad to use things as a…