

  • You look awesome. Keep up the great work. Disney is going to be the best!
  • I feel like I have been run over by a bus. The heat caused a momma squirrel to choose our attic as a den for her babies. We heard them over the weekend. Pest guy came and set a one way trap so they could leave and not get back in. Momma left, but the babies were inside. Last night, the babies cried all night long. Pest guy…
  • Where did the weekend and Monday go???? It is official, I eat when I am bored! I have been so busy the last few days at school that I don't think about food. Now, if I could just do something when I come home and fix dinner. Not so good! My husband rented Wii Zumba at RedBox for me over the weekend. I did it. It was okay.…
  • Welcome Ashley and Linda. Nice to have you here. Being back at work has been good. I needed more routine. Worked through TOM and the scale was down 2.2 pounds. :smile: I just need to keep from gaining it back. Jessa, I went to a new hair stylist and the first thing she asked me was "I am assuming you want to color your…
  • I blew my diet today. Went out and had mexican food for lunch with friends. Then had a huge steak dinner with cake for my husband's 50th birthday party. Now I am sitting here feeling literally sick. I weighed this morning and was the same (TOM). :grumble: I am a little surprised. I thought it would be a pound. I will weigh…
  • Good Monday to ya. Went back to work today carrying my giant glass of water and a snack. Went to lunch and got fajitas. Left some food on my plate. Little things, I know. But they will get me where I need to go. majikwon1961 Sounds like you have got this going for you. 11 pounds off in just 2 weeks is AWESOME. Bet your…
  • Not sure where you live, but here in Texas, I can wear shorts until October. I would stick with what you got. I own no belts but I think that is a great idea kierra28. Have you thought about resale? I did that with clothes that don't fit. It would be cheaper than buying new. I have sold some things that I never wore/barely…
  • Happy Friday! This year is flying by. We finally got rain yesterday. It was wonderful. Finally broke the 40 days in a row of 100 plus weather. I can see fall on the horizon. I look forward to waking outside, again. I was bad and had Dr. Pepper today. I ordered it again without thinking. Instead of sending it back, I drank…
  • brandymk sounds like you have a lot of changes this year. My youngest went to kindergarten last year. This year she will be on my hall. I am not sure that is going to be a good thing. What grade are you teaching? Hope your move in goes well. I am going to school this weekend. I have a new principal. Hope that goes well. I…
  • I am in. I will need to look up the exercises. Do I need to PM my totals everyday? Not a problem now, but when school starts I will not be on as much. Thank you for organizing this. I appreciate you.....and everyone else that is making themselves better. See you tomorrow. Jana
  • I haven't told anyone besides my daughter who is doing it with me. When I have told people at school before, I felt like I was under a microscope from some. Others would tell me how "skinny" I was looking even though I had gained everything back. My husband knows I am on the computer....but I think he thinks I am on…
  • Good Wednesday to you! Usually I love Wednesdays.....but this is the last weekend before school starts. :sad: Better put on my big girl panties (Lord knows I have them!) and get over it. No Jessa, I did not get any pants. It was 110 degrees yesterday and I decided to not drag 3 kids shopping. I looked online at…
  • I weighed this morning. I gained. :yawn: Now I weigh 332.2. Bummed, but I am not surprised. As Richard Simmons used to say "I hold the fork." Picking myself up. Signed up my daughter for MFP. She is young, but I think the calorie tracker will be great for her to use with her Iphone. I see so much of myself in her. She has…
  • Just got home from a long weekend trip. I will weigh in the morning....but it is not going to be pretty. I like the goals that were mentioned for this week. They work for me. I also LOVE the idea of pulling out rewards from the bag. Good idea. In addition to letting myself for for the last 18th months, I let my finances…
  • Off on a weekend trip. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Thank you for the accountability that you give me. Jana
  • Today I did not do so well. I gave in to stress eating. Need to build a bridge and "get over it". It is funny (actually sad) how I turn to food to "fix it". Does anyone else do this???? Supposed to sleep in today....neighbor's lawn guy starts weed eating at 7:00 AM outside my bedroom window. I get up and eat junk (rice…
  • Wonderful Wednesday to you! I am so ready for October to get here and some cool weather. I promise not to complain about any freezing weather this year. :frown: I have logged on for 10 days in a row. I actually started officially on Monday. So far I have recorded my food and water each day. I have been under calories each…
  • I just did the most pathetic sit-ups know to man... They can only get better. :ohwell: Got my water in. Does school shopping with three kids in really hot weather for two hours count as cardio??? I know my blood pressure was up.... I will double up tomorrow, just in case. Sweet dreams!
  • Good morning! I got on the scales this morning. I weighed 328.6. :noway: This my first week on MFP. Let the skinniness begin. :wink: My goals this week are to avoid Dr. Pepper ( my go-go juice) and to drink 10 glasses of water every day. :drinker: I will also begin my summer is almost over ritual. I will go to bed by 10:00…
  • Hey! I am Jana. I am forty-one and live in Texas. I am married and have three daughters. The oldest two are from a previous marriage. I am a teacher who is about to go back to work, so I wish summer would last a little longer. :-) I have been heavy since the 2nd grade. After my divorce I gained 50 pounds. After my third…
  • May I please join, too? My name is Jana and I live in Texas. I need to lose 188 pounds. The Texas heat is melting me and the weight is hard on my knees and feet. I would love to have mini challenges with you guys!
  • You are my hero. Awesome job!