
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Today I did not do so well. I gave in to stress eating. Need to build a bridge and "get over it". It is funny (actually sad) how I turn to food to "fix it". Does anyone else do this????

    Supposed to sleep in today....neighbor's lawn guy starts weed eating at 7:00 AM outside my bedroom window. I get up and eat junk (rice crispy treat) because it is not fair he woke me up.

    Husband calls and says he wants to leave kids at home while we make a fast trip for a funeral (we just got back on Sunday night from the same long trip). I make arrangements for kids.....then 30 minutes later he calls back and wants to bring the kids and has reserved a room with a great pool. I thought an ice cream bar would fix that frustration.

    Husband calls at 10:30 and wants us to come have lunch with he and some people for work. They were celebrating with all their families...forgot to tell me. Got three kids washed and dressed and my make-up on in less than thirty minutes. Drove an hour and make it by 12:00. No one else brings kids. I got a Dr. Pepper to fix that.

    Kids fight all the way home in the car. I am trying to pack in my head for this weekend. Stopped at Sonic Happy Hour for a Route 44 Dr. Pepper. Thought it might fix my headache.

    Got texts from three co-teachers that our stipends finally came. I have been waiting since the end of May for mine. Go to the mail box....nothing. Had ice cream bar #2 to fix that.

    So now I am an overweight woman who is tired, broke, doing laundry and packing and has consumed an extra 900 calories. Notto smart on my part.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    it's ok......i feel like this everyday........especially when I have worked my *kitten* off for the last month only to find out.....i have lost nothing! I want to eat a big fat chocolate cake! But.....i don't want to gain......i don't know what to do.....
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    Okay, I apparently haven't been serious enough about this weight loss. I'm so glad I found this site and you ladies. You are all an inspiration and I just need to get real about the work that needs to be done. My parents have a treadmill in their basement collecting dust. I know I'm allowed to walk so I just gotta do it. I can do this, I just need to remember its all worth the sacrifices we're giving up.

    I"m very interesting in all these Wii games I see people using. I have the fitness coach and loved it. I guess I should break it out. However, I"m thinking the dance ones are something the kids and I could do together. I know there is a walking one too.

    Crazy - You are just rocking it. I love your idea of having a goodie bag to choose from. I had goals written down but I think your way makes it a little more fun.

    Jessa - I think I actually played a horde toon on that server for a bit. I don't remember the last time I raided. I just don't have time for it anymore. I can't seem to stay awake past 10pm even on the weekends. I'm also trying to get my house, finances, and health back in order so I've got other things taking up my free time.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Hey everybody! I just wanted to check in and confirm that I certainly have not quit eating and wasted away off the face of the earth! Wouldn't that be nice? The quit eating and wasting part....don't want to totally disappear. Anyways....I'm on vacation and I do not always have an Internet connection. I should be back, full power by Monday.

    I have been trying to eat correctly and drink all of my water but you know how vacations can be. I just hope I have not totally blown everything I have done so far. I am still learning that not all foot is equal and I am NOT going to waste my calories on 3 or more cookies when I can have a sandwich instead. Quanity and quality mean a lot to me. And snacking is my problem. Lots and lots of snacking. But this is all really hard to follow when everyone else around you is eating.

    Tomorrow will be a better day. I will get some healthy snacks before heading to the beach!

    Good night guys!
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Off on a weekend trip. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Thank you for the accountability that you give me.

  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Hey, all...hope everyone is having a good weekend. I just made meatless stuffed peppers for my elderly mother and I with fresh salad. It was pretty tasty. Haven't exercised today yet but hope to before the day is over.

    Nellie, I hope your son is doing better and part of me so wants to ask what a no bake cookie cake (did I read that right?) is and what the recipe is, but I'm trying hard NOT TO!!! LOL

    I don't have any set rewards yet but I did go out and buy a new purse when I first started seeing a difference in my clothes. That was a splurge for me because I usually get mine at yard sales!!! But, the idea of rewards is a good us something to look forward to.

    Thanks everyone for their support....I'm trying on the exercise ....but not so good yet......

    I did weigh on Friday and had lost 3 pounds since Monday!!! It was the first time I got to change my weight on the little clicker alll can't see it, can you??? I don't know how to put it down there.....but I've lost 11 pounds now!! I'm excited.

    Have a good weekend all.....
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 288
    CW: 265
    GW: 260 - 10% weight loss at a time

    Well I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain either. However, I am wearing a size smaller today. Woohoo!! I've got a positive outlook and am motivated to do things right today. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • :embarassed: lol crzyzone it is like a oreo crumb dessert i just re read my post and i sound like an idoit but yeah its made by jello and they are really good she decided to make german chocolate cupcakes for her dad so i was safe i do not like coconut lol

    So how has everyone been i have started doing yoga well will be when i get off here to start my sunday and then im going to try to get though the biggest loser dvd i prey that i do i have family coming over today so i have to make this big dinner with baked potatoes and corn on the cob plus dessert they want steak so that isnt bad im goin to grill it but it is so humid here even with the air conditioner on i hate to start my stove oh well its my brother n law to be and is fiancee he is getting married next month but he has only known her for three months its crazy he is like my little brother cause ive been with his brother for 14 years and i just want to shake him and ask if he lost is mind lol Anyway im ranting and it has nothing to do with why we r here sorry

    I was wondering if u guys have any ideas i was thinking about changing things alittle i have gotten ideas from another group that i joined for more motivation and was thinking about starting points if i can get more people to join us what do u think let me know ill set up another goal topic with our name on it so this one will close and ill figure out how to put the link on to just go over to it kk :embarassed: :blushing:
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member I went on vacation and gained back everything I lost. I knew I would, so I guess it's okay. I have been eating out and junk food since last Wednesday. I feel like crap.....not from the weight gain but simply from the bad, really bad food! I can't weight to get started again and to eat much better food! We were at the beach so I tried to keep moving and playing with my kids! We had a great time but now it's time to get things done!!! Back to reality!
  • I did real good this week. this is the best I have done since I have started mfp. I'm having a little trouble with drinking the water but I will continue to work on it. I weight it at 247 lbs this morning.
  • Hello everyone, I am doing great so far. I weighed in at 293 this morning.I am so happy to be under 300 lbs.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Hey all....

    Congrats and good job to those who lost or maintained this week!!! That's great!!! If you didn't, it's OKAY!!!! It's a new day, a new week, a time to start a new so just pick up and keep on going!!! We can do this. We can do this together!!!!

    I started the week off good, trying to start exercising slowly, but then lost it by the end of the week. The heat is my excuse. :( I know it's not a good one; others go out and run miles in the heat. I haven't exercised since Wed. :( So, I"m going to pick up and start anew today and try to get it going again.

    I did lose 3.2 pounds since last Monday but I had lost almost all that by Friday so I can only imagine if I had kept the exercising where it would have been today. But, live and learn and move on.

    Earhangel, I"m so proud of you for getting under 300!!! That must be a great feeling!!! 300 is my first big goal. I've not been under 300 in...well......since high school maybe.....

    Hope everyone has a good day and a good week. Keep on keeping on!!!

  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    First week of the challenge and I didn't even make an effort. I am up 3 pounds to 275. I'm going in the wrong direction! I'm really frustrated with myself. At one point my weight loss ticker said 37 pounds lost, now it only says 17 pounds lost. I've gained 20 pounds back. I've gotta do something about this!!!!
  • I am so glad that everyone is doing well those that have slipped alittle u just have to remember this is a day to day thing we haveto learn how to do everything we are use to differently So one day at a time!!!!!!!

    This weeks challanges i was thinking about doing something different everyday What do u think let me know since it is MOnday we can start this week on Tuesday so i can get u guys opinions I have another group that has invited me to join and they have a great idea about adding points its like u r more accountable and want to push urself a little more So what does everyone think I will post this here but i will send this to everyone as a pm so i can get some info back asap so we can get started. THis is what i was thinking

    1- water 9 servings aday if hard for u to drink plan add that flavor mix
    2- to do so many of lunges situps push ups those kind of exercises i found a web site
    3- of course cardio at least 30 mins a day
    4- then we will have a rest day from exercising if u want so we will not get stressed out
    5- one day we could watch our intakes like carbs and things
    Just let me know i really like these ideas from all the groups ive checked out since i have no clur how to do this lol

    I weighed in at 276.8 i lost almost three more pounds this week
  • Good morning ladies, I want to appologize for being MIA all weekend. I struggle alot with depression and this weekend was a bad one. Had a fight with the 10 year old (what else is new) that turned into a screaming match with the husband. Lots of yelling, lots of tears, and lots of why am I doing any of this.

    crazynay96 - fabulous rewards system. What a way to keep yourself on track. Haven't really started a rewards system, deffintly something to put some thought into though.

    janaj88 - I get really upset and go looking for food too. Despite the terrible Friday hoping you at least had a few moments of pool-side relaxation over the weekend. Tottaly feel you on the husband calling with the oh just throw the kids in the car and come down. I'm forever getting the "oh we're having a command pot luck can you whip something up and bring the kids down?" Did I mention this last pot luck was bacon themed?

    acmcoc - I'm sorry the scale isn't moving. I would say step one is making sure you don't have a big fat chocolate cake in the house. Chocolate cake is sometimes totally necessary believe me I get that. Would one of those individual slices they sell at the grocery store fill that I need cake spot inside without the accompaning guilt of I ate the whole cake? My I'm upset food is potatoe chips and I can't eat just a few so can't have them in the house ever at all not even snack sized bags.

    ch112803 - Good for you, claim that treadmill and don't let yourself turn it into a coat rack. Pretty sure you can get most of the work out video games through a game fly subscription. Just sign yourself up for a month or two, try out a bunch of different ones then go buy whichever one you like best. lol that's too funny of all the servers out there, I'm on alliance though. Raiding is one of the most difficult times to not snack. I could drink a few sodas and if there were chips, crackers, or M&Ms in front of me the whole package would be gone before I realized it. Trying to keep bottles of water filled in the fridge and no snacks anywhere near my desk. Sad as it sounds our raid schedule is forcing me to menu plan some. Since we're 6 hours behind server time I have to have dinner either in the crockpot or completely prep'd in advance so I can cook quickly and plate everything up in between 25 and 10 man. Used to do alot of pizza and fast food on raid nights but that 1 costs a ton of money that we don't have these days and 2 since husband makes dinner Mondays and Friday's while I'm at zumba and his idea of a balanced dinner is grilled cheese and apple slices I have to make sure there are veggies and good stuff the rest of the week. Smaller size is great keep at it.

    brandymk - enjoy your vacation and great job on the sandwich is better than a couple of cookies!

    msstillion79 - ranting is good, better than eating the frustration. Nothing wrong with baked potatoes and corn on the cob, its the butter/sour cream/butter/bacon/butter/cheese/did I mention I like butter on mine? that will do you in. What did you end up making for dessert? Not sure I exactly understand what you mean by points. Like if I drink my water that earns me 1 point, doing exercise would earn me 1 point and lady with the most points at the end of the week wins?

    Congratulations to everyone who lost lbs or a size! Everyone else keep going! Don't let a bump in the road become a roadblock.
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Just got home from a long weekend trip. I will weigh in the morning....but it is not going to be pretty.

    I like the goals that were mentioned for this week. They work for me. I also LOVE the idea of pulling out rewards from the bag. Good idea.

    In addition to letting myself for for the last 18th months, I let my finances go, too. My kids and I made a paper chain that represents our debt. Each ring equals $100 dollars. As we pay it off, we remove a ring. I put it by the garage door as a reminder of our goal.

    My daughter and I are going to do the same for our weight loss. I am going to hang mine by the scale so I can see it every morning and remind me what I am working on. She is going to hang hers in the closet. Just a thought.

    How do you make your diary visible? I don't see it in settings.

    Have a great day,

  • Jana, have you read any of Dave Barry's books to debt free living? Haven't done them myself but know tons of people who rave about him.

    To make your diary visable go to settings up at the very top of the page, then click Diary Settings, then at the bottom change the Diary Share setting to public if you want the whole world to be able to see it, or friends only for well just friends only. Not sure of any sane person that would lock it with a key cause yeah its hell when I have to change my own passwords never mind remembering someone else's. LoL
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    I weighed this morning. I gained. :yawn: Now I weigh 332.2. Bummed, but I am not surprised. As Richard Simmons used to say "I hold the fork."

    Picking myself up. Signed up my daughter for MFP. She is young, but I think the calorie tracker will be great for her to use with her Iphone. I see so much of myself in her. She has been on steroids for almost a year and has gained a lot of weight. We are working on our weight together.

    My stipend check came. Off to Catherine's to buy some new pants for school. I refuse to buy tops. I want to lose enough weight that I can wear what I have until November. Then I want to but some fall/winter clothes. It is warm enough here that I don't need long sleeves until the end of November.

    Jessa, I have not read anything by Dave Barry. I follow Dave Ramsey's principles. I will check Dave Barry out.

    Two teacher's in my school district had weight loss surgery on Friday. I have no desire have surgery (whole throwing up thing when food is stuck freaks me out) :sick: but now I will be the biggest teacher in the whole district. Kinda sad....very motivating.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Jana, don't be so hard on yourself! I went over my calories all last week and gained a pound. I refuse to do the surgury also! I will be the biggest teacher around also. But I know I am changing the whole way I live my life. I have to return to work in a week.....not sure how I'm going to avoid all those good foods during inservices but I know I WILL limit myself.
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Here I am at 1:40 am eating animal crackers to settle my upset stomach. I've had really bad acid reflux all day. (I know...tmi). Isn't it funny how they are called animal crackers even though they are obviously cookies? So many companies try to fool us. We are not fooled! I'm still eating cookies in the middle of the night. My reflux is acting up because of a cold and stress (of going back to work). I need to think of good things.....hmmmmmm.....

    Goodie #1. My son kissed my forehead earlier today and I can still feel it!
    Goodie #2. I got a new purse and some pants on clearance.
    Goodie #3. I am almost finished school shopping for my daughter.
    Goodie #4. My husband is the best!

    There! I feel a little better!
  • Jana, did you find any pants? I despise shopping, have to do most of it by catologe and right now despising Roman's with every fiber of my being. Not only are the models sooo totally not plus sized so you have no idea what the clothes actually look like but it took 4 months to get a t-shirt shipped and they charged me 3 times. Grrr read the other day that in the modeling world a size 8 is considered plus sized. An 8!!! okay rant over. I don't want to do the surgery either, I know ladies who have had it lost a bunch and within 2 years gained it all back and then some. I don't want to be unable to ever go to really great resturant and have a 4 course dinner because you can only eat a few bites. Not to mention it pretty much takes bread out of your life and this Italian soul would pretty much wither and die without bread, pasta, pizza, and pastry. Not all the time, but once in a blue moon you need it. I'm often the biggest person in a place too. Dave Ramsey that's it, think Dave Barry might be a comic, I swear the kids suck the brain cells right out of my head. Once upon a time I was a highly inteligent contributing member of society. Really.

    Brandy, Alton Brown did a whole thing about why animal crackers are crackers and not cookies. Something about how the dough is folded and rolled. Is it masocistic to watch food network all the time while dieting?

    Dinner tonight, not so much neither overly tasty nor in keeping with my goal of keeping dinner to under 500 calories. Rachel Ray you have failed me. Although the macaroni's I threw together because I knew the younger ones were never going to eat it and didn't particularly want to hear the oldest sniveling that he didn't get enough to eat at dinner did not help matters in the calorie department. Open house tomorow, oh joy! I will never know why they hold it at 1:30 in the afternoon. Right smack in the middle of baby's nap time. Must determine a make ahead dinner so we don't eat fast food. We really need to do some recipie swapping. Going to go surpress the need to snack with needlework.