Devilishdani Member


  • I've been there and done that,quit for 2 months back in 2013 then started up again,am proud to say I've been a "non smoker" since New Year's Eve 2014 almost 5 advice is stick to your guns if you want something badly enough it will happen...good luck!
  • I lost 28lbs last summer But decided to battle with My desire to quit smoking...smoke free for 5 months and 20lbs regained I'm in dire need of a fresh start...count me in!
  • West Sussex here!! Have lost a total of 2 stone. 4 lb since may this year always looking for new friends to boost me when I'm slacking...add me if your in need of motivation or willing to give me some when needed!!
  • Hi I I'm also in the uk a born and bred northerner but now living in West Sussex...always keen to make new friends!!! Add if you wish and good luck with your journey!!!
  • I'm in exactly the same boat...have an 8 month old son who wakes some nights and sleeps others but the uncertainty keeps me awake at night...I really want to join the gym but as of now can't see myself lasting an hour being as tired as I am :-/ I tend to get 20 mins of cardio via my exercise bike then try to go for a…