Sleep - What do you do when you aren't getting enough?

I have a 9 month old plus a 4 and 3 year old and I just don't get more than 2 hours unbroken sleep a night. Baby is still waking every couple of hours to feed and then you have the normal other reasons that kids get up for to deal with for the other two.

I am really trying to get back to the gym but I just don't know if I should be pushing myself in the gym or just going home and trying to catch up on a few Zzzz. Which is better? Still 10kg of baby weight to lose.



  • Devilishdani
    Devilishdani Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in exactly the same boat...have an 8 month old son who wakes some nights and sleeps others but the uncertainty keeps me awake at night...I really want to join the gym but as of now can't see myself lasting an hour being as tired as I am :-/ I tend to get 20 mins of cardio via my exercise bike then try to go for a run/fast walk for 30-40 minutes a day even if I take him along in his pram...good luck :)
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    No kids here .. loads of sleep .... We make our choices.


  • breesie11
    breesie11 Posts: 3,478 Member
    I always chose the extra sleep. My suggestion would be to log your calories, if you're breastfeeding make sure to log that, then use workout videos on youtube if you feel like you have the energy to do one. I think the extra little bit of sanity you can get from a little extra sleep is more important. Especially with 3 kids!! Once you're getting unbroken sleep, then start going back to the gym.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I don't have kids, but I also rarely sleep. I've been that way since I was born. I just force myself to stay awake to get things done, although I usually end up with a bad headache after working out and end up not being able to fall asleep for hours afterwards. I usually run on 3-5 hours of sleep and when I finally hit my exhaustion peak I'll get around 6-7 hours. I wish I had good answers for you, but all I do is push myself to finish what I can. I'm sure with kids involved it's just not as simple though!