sdchastain Member


  • Well, your family is not being a great support system. I'm sorry because it's so much easier when they are! That being said, I'm all for some tough love. But I'm not going to tell you to modify what you know helps you be successful. Like you, I have a very hard time stopping at one cookie once I start. What worked for me…
  • When I got honest with my tracking, I lose. When I'm not so diligent, it stalls. Some things to try: Don't eat after 8pm, eat at least 5 vegetables a day. Eat a pear or an apple a day (pears actually have more fiber). Drink lots of water. Maybe find someone who you can diary share with for one week. Knowing you have to…
  • I know they say that a calorie is a calorie but truly, I find I can eat more calories when I'm eating whole foods and lots of veggies. Generally I eat around 1600-1900/day. If I work out with my trainer I eat more.
  • I like to make soups and then bring them in a thermos to work. They are already hot and I don't have to wait in line to heat it. I try to make soups that include a lot of veggies too. Some of my favorites are: Cream of Cauliflower (made with fat fee 1/2 and 1/2), Black Bean Soup or just a throw everything in the pot veggie…
  • I'm certainly no expert but you might want to try asking yourself if you want food because you need nourishment or do you want food to satisfy some other need like comfort, emotional support, calming anxiety etc. If you want food because you are hungry, then you need to eat something. If it's for other reasons, food won't…
  • Sometimes it's hard to try and even out the calorie count (meaning sometimes a bad day means waaay too many calories). So, I opt to do something I'm proud of to put it behind me. Get out for a walk or find a way to get a workout in. You may not be able to burn off all the calories you ate, but you'll feel better right away…