

  • I have only about 15 songs on my "Exercise Music" playlist--- which I grew bored of, but am too lazy to actually add to. So recently, I've been watching stand up comedy on Netflix (been on a George Carlin kick recently)- It distracts me sufficiently to get through an hour or so on the elliptical. I do get some stares when…
  • I absolutely LOVE the concept of cheat days- it makes a lifestyle change do-able, for me, rather than having to say "I will never ever eat _____ again"- I can just tell myself to wait it out, I can eat it if I still want it on Friday... and the healthier I eat during the week, I find, the less I crave greasy fattening food…
  • Thanks, I'll take a look at the article! I use the random-intensity mode on the elliptical, and even at the higher intensities, my heart rate didn't go up after I was on for 30 min- and my pace was the same or faster than it was earlier in my workout- Glad to know that I'm still burning fat when my heartrate is high,…
  • Hi! I'm fairly new here as well, at least in terms of communicating with other members. I've used the site sporadically in the past, then left for a bit and gained back most of what I lost- feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get! Saw your post and wanted to recommend picking up Dance Dance Revolution for…
  • Doritos- I can sit and eat a whole bag, and still be sad (not sick) when it's over. I think I need rehab. :ohwell: