Advice on Cheat Days



  • mgogl27
    mgogl27 Posts: 7
    I absolutely LOVE the concept of cheat days- it makes a lifestyle change do-able, for me, rather than having to say "I will never ever eat _____ again"- I can just tell myself to wait it out, I can eat it if I still want it on Friday... and the healthier I eat during the week, I find, the less I crave greasy fattening food on my cheat day.

    I also notice that I lose weight more quickly when I have a cheat day- maybe because I stick to my guns throughout the rest of the week because I know that I'm only putting off eating what I want, not banning it from my life completely. I've also heard some things about the benefits of 'zig-zagging calories', and that one high calorie day can help keep your body working hard later in the week- not sure about how true that is, but even if it's false, it allows me to eat w/o guilt on my cheat days, so I'll allow myself to believe it. :tongue:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I allow myself one cheat meal during the week. Not a set day, just goes on my mood. I know if I don't eat what I'm craving I'll crave it for weeks and eat everything else but that. Like last week, after a long walk in the great weather we've been having I wanted a pizza. My favorite place is within walking distance so I walked there, ordered and walked farther then turned around and picked it up. Probably extended my walk about 20 minutes and I still got what I wanted. I ate 1/2 a small then through the rest out.
  • czechmate823
    czechmate823 Posts: 89 Member
    I also take advantage of 'cheat days', usually on weekends, but I use it more as an experiment on how I will conduct myself when I'm no longer tracking calories like I am now. I have to learn how to eat sensibly in my own environment or I will not be successful. That includes indulgences, which generally occur on the weekend since that's when I have the most family time and we're usually out and about or doing something together. I also try to be more active then, too, I'm not doing my full-blown workouts like I do during the week, but I try to keep moving and active to balance out any excessive, or not-so-excessive, treats. Like Matthew McConaughey would say, 'Just Keep Livin'" . :glasses:
  • steffihoney
    steffihoney Posts: 392
    I have heard the concept of cheat days and losing weight. Everyone is different and their bodies handle the extra calories differently. Sounds like you were able to rebound pretty good from it.

    I usually do a cheat meal on Fridays. It is my son's day to pick dinner, and it's usually fast food. Not easy to order it for someone else and not yourself. I try to make the best choices that I can or only eat half, but I didn't get fat by not liking to eat some things, like nachos! lol Self control is something that I am working on. I just keep remembering what my stepmother said when I was younger, "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." I may want it at the time, but do I really want to put all my hard work at risk. Putting the whole ordeal into perspective helps.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I at least try to put in an extra work out on my cheat days. My goal is to have burned at least one more calorie than I consumed that day to make it a zero day. So I'm still thinking about it to some extent while I'm out but I don't feel guilty. I have my fitbit to tell me how many calories I have burned. I know how many calories are in my favorite beer and some of my favorite guilty pleasures. I just still watch the portions. Depriving myself won't work when my goal is a long one.
  • msslimann
    msslimann Posts: 122
    Cheat days can be good as your body will shed pounds and your weight loss will not plateau. There is a point diet plan called Wendy's that changes the points ( or calories) of the meals every day or so. . They believe it keeps your body guessing and not going into a starvation mode and hang on to the fat due to daily restricted calorie or points. Weight Watchers even allows you to do a day where you can use a whole weeks points. If you go over your calories don't fret about it as tomorrow is a new day. I went over mine almost doubled my calorie allowance but still loss 5 pounds that week. It helps me to know I can do this as then I can enjoy special occasions.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I think a good summary of all the advice you are getting in this thread is to find out what works for you and stick with it until it doesn't work anymore and then try something else. Cheat days don't work for me. However, one cheat meal a week does, so that's what I do.
  • sagaloo
    sagaloo Posts: 8
    I have a day off once a week but try to log as it stops me from going completely overboard.
    They work for me and keep me going!
    I'm happy so far with my progress, and I try to focus on what i'm able to do for a majority of the time.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks everyone. This is exactly the kind of pro and con points that I was looking for. I guess ultimately, I should just stick with the changes that I've made so far and forgive myself when I have a day that involves bad choices. Lobsterfest.....did someone say lobsterfest?
  • ELee0517
    ELee0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't do a cheat "day" but just a cheat "meal" once a week. Usually on the weekends (because that's when I feel the least like cooking.) As long as I keep it in moderation, I find that it doesn't effect my weight loss at all.

    I do allow myself a sweet everyday though. There's no way I could completely cut out chocolate from my diet. Weight Watchers has some reeeeally good ice cream deserts (100-150 calories) and I have one every night after supper. I watch what I eat during the day to make sure I can have my chocolate at night lol.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I don't do a cheat "day" but just a cheat "meal" once a week. Usually on the weekends (because that's when I feel the least like cooking.) As long as I keep it in moderation, I find that it doesn't effect my weight loss at all.

    I do allow myself a sweet everyday though. There's no way I could completely cut out chocolate from my diet. Weight Watchers has some reeeeally good ice cream deserts (100-150 calories) and I have one every night after supper. I watch what I eat during the day to make sure I can have my chocolate at night lol.

    Yea....if you look at my journals you will find a Blue Bunny Toffee Ice Cream Bar almost every I do not consider it "cheating" or even bad choices as long as it fits in my calories and I'm getting all the other nutrients that I need. I do try to make sure that when I have a sweet it includes fiber. That's how I justify
  • JoniM205
    JoniM205 Posts: 9
    I like that attitude. I'm hoping this counting calories can become a way of life - not a chore I'll have to keep up with forever.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I don't so much do a "cheat" day as I do a "relax" day. I don't log anything on Sundays. I do still attempt to stay at least CLOSE to my daily calorie allowance, but I probably go over. I had a big carrot cake whoopie pie this past Sunday... pretty sure it put me over, but it was SO good! I also try to come in under goal most weekdays, so I have a little wiggle room for the weekends. I just have to be able to chill out with it one day a week. It keeps me sane.