

  • Personally I'm impressed that you managed to keep track AND log those calories. In moments like these I know I'm tempted to go full denial mode if it's a 'cheat day anyhow'. That shows you're willing to be honest with yourself, and that right there is the key to living better.
  • I tend to find my weight does drop for a day or two, then stabilises again. I figure it's probably the dehydrating effect of the alcohol. Creamy shooters and the like add up fast ;)
  • No, ten standard drinks would be considered a moderate night out for the average drinker in Australia, from my experience.
  • I've done my time working bars (in Australia) and I can honestly say that ten drinks is a moderate night out for most people I have come across. For me personally, I try to limit myself to one night a week, during which I will usually have about a dozen - preferably single malts, neat, if you're buying... So many Judgy…
  • It was a melons > banana kinda deal.
  • Once I resolved to lose I went cold-turkey on my biggest crutches - sugar and refined carbs. I was absolutely fed up with feeling like a frump, so this burst of willpower meant the first month or so was by far the easiest. Lucky, because I didn't really start to see noticeable physical change during this time. I work in a…
  • I have hardcore beard envy and would rock a full Ned Kelly if not for the inconvenient lack of a Y chromosome. I must say though, I feel as a fashion trend it has reached critical mass. Unfortunately the look is now being sullied by men who either A) lack any sense of style, or B) see it as a convenient way to avoid…
  • I take one hour pilates classes anywhere between once and three times a week, depending on my schedule. I have noticed a steady improvement in my flexibility, balance and endurance so I am quite happy with what I see. Imo, it's a conditioning exercise - in terms of weight loss it's negligible.
  • This is something that gets old fast. However... It's a great opportunity to practice my resting ***** face (very useful in public bars and the like), which in turn deters other bro-scientists from making an approach. Win/Win. In the end they're only lying to themselves really.
  • I've come down with the flu and yet I'm still beating myself up about not going to the gym. I have spent most of the day trying to convince myself that it's ok to go lifting when I know very well that burning myself out is counterproductive. I think one of the most surprising victories of fitness is when you begin to crave…
  • I have a bit of a giggle looking back at it now, but Body Pump was a turning point for me in terms of my fitness 'journey'. It is undoubtedly cardio, but it sparked an interest in learning the heavy compound lifts, and strength training in general. It also helped to speed along my weight loss and get me past the awful DOMS…