1. Do you experience a lot of stress-producing thoughts when attempting to sleep, such as things to do or worrisome thoughts, that prevents you from falling asleep quicker? __Yes _X_No 2. On an average night, how easy is it to fall asleep? _X_Pretty easy __ Not easy 3. About how many hours of sleep do you get each night?…
OK: I'm out of my element here (I'm a guy) but my daughter, a bit large, rides horses for a living. Posting for hours can be real pain is you don't have support. She found some great support gear at the larger western / equestiran stores that did job for her.
Depending on how your foot can handle pressure, how about a kettle ball workout? Find a knowledgeable trainer or friend and start with a short workout of only a few moves and see how it goes. Good efficient workout.