melendy Member


  • Hi there. I'm 5' on the dot and hit 140. I started my "diet" 10 days ago and go between 131 and 135. I'm not too far from where I want to be but we all have a place where we feel comfortable. I had a tummy tuck in November of 2015 (so just over a year now) and my weight was great and my stomach looked great and then I got…
  • Is this you in your profile picture? If so, I'm having a hard time imagining that you are the "ugly friend". You are a very pretty girl. Sounds like maybe your a little hard on yourself. I'm that way a little bit, I think we all are but it sounds like you need a reality check. YOU ARE PRETTY! LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT! LOL.
  • maybe just on the crocs with no socks. lol j/k. Do what ya do girl. :)
  • Welcome! It's a great motivational site, I'm loving it.
  • I kind of have the same question. Most people tell me that it's ok to have a surplus of calories at the end of the day but this app tell you that you've eaten too few calories. I go ahead and just stay under just to play it safe. I'm interested in the responses you get. :)
  • I wear my hear monitor sometimes through out the course of the day and just on a regular day working (I'm a home health nurse) I burn around 1200 calories just without effort. I never knew you could burn so many just by breathing, lol.
  • Can't wait til you hit your first goal! You can do it! You need to surround yourself with positive people and that is it! Good Luck!!