
So…….I recently joined at 90 day weight loss challenge at my local park district. Friday was my evaluation. I was disgusted and disappointed with the beginning results. My weight is at 231 with 42.6 fat body percentage. I started crying in front of my sweet barely 5 foot and a buck twenty-five personal trainer. I can’t believe I’m this big. I thought I was doing well, but I continued to eat when I was sad or frustrated about my personal and work life…. .

I’m confessing this to the MFP community because I can’t tell my friends or family that I joined this challenge. I didn’t realize people can be so cruel. But, with me telling you this, I’m convinced that I have no choice but to lose weight with the motivation and hopefully *kitten* kicking by you guys. I’m going to reach my mini goal of being less than 200lbs for my Boston trip in May 2011 (GO CUBS!!!) and 175lb by my 30th birthday in September. And my final goal weight of 165 by December 2011.

I’m not going to lie, I’m scared as hell. But, I know if I lose weight, I can be more confident in my personal and professional life. I’m sorry that I’m whining but I can’t talk to my real life friends. They always say “Eh, you’ll be good for a week or two then you fall right back to your crappy ways” Nice encouragement, huh?

Well, thanks for listening. I hope everyone does well and exceeds their goals for 2011.

Take care,



  • NeverGivingUp
    NeverGivingUp Posts: 25 Member
    Don't you worry! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  • bhonniered
    Karla - you can do this! And blow off the negative remarks from 'friends' - we are all here for you!
  • larousse_37
    Karla, you are so brave to have posted this up here. Just take it one day at a time, and never lose sight of what you're doing.

    It's sad that you feel your friends can't support you, that's what friends should be there for. But at the end of the day, you have us and I'm sure you'll find the support you need. Best of luck with your health and happiness!
  • jenricher
    I feel that is the way most friends are. Even if they are trying to lose weight themselves. I dont really understand people sometimes. But that is why this site is great. we are all working together and her to support one another. I believe you can do it. and you will stick with it!!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Ok beside the fact that you're a Bears fan you'll be ok. We can work on that btw. :)
    Hang in there and just deal day by day and before you know it will be easier and the weight will be falling off. Just commit to some small changes and up the activity and you're on your way! Feel free to add me if you'd like. :) Go Packers! LOL
  • caristear
    Listen it doesn't matter what size you are or what people think about you just as long as you feel good about yourself! As long as your confident in yourself that's all that counts. There are still skinny non-confident people out there!

    We're all in the same boat though and I applaud you for taking the first step to a HEALTHIER you! Make mini goals and it will keep you motivated. Good luck, I'm sure you will succeed!
  • melendy
    melendy Posts: 7 Member
    Can't wait til you hit your first goal! You can do it! You need to surround yourself with positive people and that is it! Good Luck!!
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    You can do it! Just keep at it and push through even when you are disappointed. You are right, being a part of the MFP community is great (lol, I was thinking about how your lack of support from friends at home sucks and actually typed "MFP sucks" in my last post....this is the edited version.

    I was seriously down in the dumps last week but because of MFP I still logged in daily, tracked my food and even though I only worked out half as much as usual, I got some workouts in.
    MFP helps a lot.
    Good luck!
    And BEAR DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  • mamxo22
    mamxo22 Posts: 84
    i have strong faith in you !! good luck on your journeyy
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    You can do it and we will be here to help you every step of the way. Be sure to friend everyone you can. Friend everyone that answered this post, read other posts and friend them. This is a great site and I have gotten through a lot of temptation because of these people. I have only been here about a week and can feel it already!!
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a BEARS fan too! Yippee! I know how you feel, I feel the same way about myself. and I'm sick of it too. YOU CAN do it! So LETS! Together! Be my friend...and just do it....really? FOR YOU, and FOR ME? Heck ya! Its time...and I'm glad you are here!
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    You're in the right place! I know I can relate to what your'e going through. People seem to expect and even want me to fail. Some even seem to try to sabotage my efforts. I've found that I have to be selfish when it comes to what and when I eat and not let anything keep me from my daily exercise. It was especially hard through the holidays. I've even had a few people tell me that I'm getting too skinny even though I'm 5'10" and 200 lbs. I don't think that can be called "skinny". It does get better with time and as you prove to people that your'e committed. Keep it up and lean on the good people in here that can relate to you.:happy:
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    Campo, I'm sorry you had such an upsetting start to your Fitness Challenge. You know that I am your MFP, work and personal friend. I am here for you. Just like I told Warniece, you should have my cell number on speed dial as an emergency hotline :tongue:
    You can do this. We can do this. I think it's time.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    You can do this. The people here at MFP have some really great experiences that they share everyday. I know that if im having a hard time I can come on here and re-motivate myself with all of the stories and posts. Everyone on here is soo motivated and so helpful and so inspirational and I know you will love using this site as much as we all do. Good luck on your journey.
  • KittyCathy
    KittyCathy Posts: 36 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT dont ever give up karla. im always on your friends list to cheer you on! : ]
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Karla you can do it!!!
    I can totally relate to your story and I am here for you as are many MFP members. I was totally shocked at my first weigh in with a personal trainer. I thought I was doing so well and then she did my weight and measurements and pictures. Weight I had a hunch on and told myself it was ok cause i had lost 60lbs before. The picture hit me the most and when I showed some of my friends it was like yeah didn't you know you looked like that.

    You can totally lose the weight and there will be bumps and hurdles along the way but that is part of this weight loss journey.

    You are definitely not alone and please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    People can be *kitten* from time to time, especially friends, and I'm not sure why.

    For example ... I have a friend who joined a gym and goes to boxing classes and is trying to get into better shape. She's 27, I think, going to school for her second bachelor's degree, just switched over to eating meat again and is trying, but finds it difficult to make the time. Anyway, whenever it comes up I offer her as much encouragement as I can.

    However, we used to have these mutual friends (she lived with them for a while) and they were not very good about that kind of stuff. They eat a lot of really bad foods and live very unhealthy lives and are more inclined to shoot down someone's attempts to better themselves than anything else. They're the type of people who are naturally thin, though. They made fun of me when I was trying to get in better shape (and actually talking to them).

    Honestly, you have to cut out bad influences and "anti-encouragement". Not to say that you can't or shouldn't ever hang out with your friends, but for one, don't talk about your dieting with them. And you should probably minimize the amount of time that you spend with them.

    Things that seem small and can make a big difference: Walk everywhere that you can. Stop drinking soda. Eat more fruit. Drink a lot of water. Drink less alcohol. Cut out added sugars. Whenever you want to over-eat, go for a walk.

    It's pretty cold over here, not as bad as a lot of places, but it's been about 20 degrees F/ -6 C. Even so, every time I think "Man, I want to just eat a bunch of food and be a big fatty" I put on all of my layers and get walking, and then just walk for hours on end.
  • grace914
    grace914 Posts: 139 Member
    Wow.........you guys are amazing!!! Thank you for your encouraging words and feedback. Now, I'm excited!

    Thanks again!
  • Nece226
    Well I'm right with you 230/40% fat. I just pray for the day that I at least make 199. I vowed that after all of the holiday eating that I was going to do much better. So I'm right here with you! If you want to work out, have lunch together, cook together. I'm all for it.
  • iowasunshine
    This is a fantastic support group. I'm so pleased every time I see encouraging posts like these. One thing we can all benefit from is to monitor the "self talk" that goes on in our head. I have read The Secret and have learned so much about how important our thoughts are. We really can control our life and we need to do that with our thoughts. Start thinking positive thoughts every day... on and off all day long. One moment, one thought at a time. I know we are all trying to reach goals and this is a great group to have for support. Happy New Year to us all!