TeaBea Member


  • Quiche can be made low calorie, but I agree with Barbara it's not typically so. https://www.skinnytaste.com/crustless-broccoli-cheddar-quiche/#:~:text=Instructions%201%20Preheat%20your%20oven%20to%20350%20degrees.,with%20the%20grated%20cheddar%20cheese.%20More%20items...%20
  • A Chris Freytag YouTube work out called Walking Cardio Shape Up should give you some ideas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm0C8awjNIQ It's also a circuit workout like 30DS, but Chris has a much more pleasant personality.
  • How are you measuring the food you eat? Do you use a digital scale to weigh solids and semi-solids? How are you choosing entries? Some are really screwed up. Are you putting recipes in MFP or using generic ones here? With a small deficit, accurate logging is going to be critical.…
  • Protein alone won't help you retain muscle. If I have this right - you signed up for .5 K per week (1 pound per week loss). That leaves you with 1,800 calories. Perfectly acceptable for an adult male. However, you really want to lose 1 K (2 pounds per week) so your plan is to exercise for an additional 500 calories (plus…
  • Are you logging strength training under the cardio vascular section? You should be getting an estimated calorie burn there. Look for - Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)
  • Calories contribute to weight gain, not carbs. If you eat too many calories, you gain weight. Ice cream, chocolate, potato chips, donuts: I don't label these carbs, because they contain carbs and fat (and some protein). Carbs and fat can be a delicious combination that some people have a problem controlling PORTIONS of. OP…
  • Add a handful of nuts to your evening meal replacement. Low fat diets were popular in the 1980's but they always left me hungry. Most nuts contain healthy fats. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/nuts/art-20046635
  • Regular yogurt is lower protein than Greek yogurt because you are "condensing" Greek by straining it. By incorporating the whey back in (negating the straining) you just have regular yogurt. https://www.eatthis.com/greek-yogurt-vs-regular-yogurt/
  • Haven't read all the responses but Blue Bunny Mini Swirls https://www.bluebunny.com/products/mini-swirls Triple chocolate cone for 130 calories, yum!
  • See flowchart in this thread......... https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10484320/why-i-am-not-losing-weight-flowchart Unless you are very petite and sedentary, you are likely eating more than 1,100 calories a day. Your daily GOAL is 1,200, a goal is something you want to meet. Water weight fluctuations can…
  • Protein shakes help some people meet protein goals. But meal replacement shakes are something different though. Not really interchangeable terminology. 160 calories wouldn't really replace a meal for me.
  • Jog FM is a website that let's you put in your walking / cycling / jogging speed and gives you songs that match the beats per minute (BPM). A 17 minute walking mile is around 130 beats per minute. https://walk.jog.fm/workout-playlists/for/walking
  • To lose weight you need to restrict calories.....period. Be it, restricting a certain macro (keto) or meal timing (fasting) or logging portions - you need to find a way to reduce calories consistently. If logging food and counting calories does not appeal to you, you might look for a diet that restricts enough to reduce…
    in Diets Comment by TeaBea April 2021
  • I also have a Jello book is from the early 60's. "The New Joys of Jello"......lol.
  • Groups can be a good place to check in too https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/100058-life-in-the-fast-lane https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/120735-fasting-diet-intermittent-fasting
  • WEIGHT WATCHER'S SALAD 12 oz. cottage cheese 1 sm. box orange Jello (dry) 1 med. bowl Cool Whip 1 can mandarin oranges, drained 1 sm. can pineapple, drained Mix all together and refrigerate overnight
  • You're not alone. You might look at joining a group here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3322-losing-100-pounds-without-surgery https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/15651-lets-lose-100 Take one step at a time!
  • No one can give you motivation, it has to come from within. Motivation can also be fleeting, think in terms of the weight loss honeymoon phase. We're all pretty good until the shiny newness wears off. What can help are setting obtainable goals, joining challenges/groups, and realistic expectations. Don't pick a diet -…
  • Cooking Light & Skinny Taste are my go tos.
  • Bungees not springs....usually pretty quiet. A handrail too! These reviews look like a pretty decent match: https://www.amazon.com/ZELUS-Foldable-Trampoline-Rebounder-Textured/dp/B0758T2J6S/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
  • Have you looked in the challenges section here? There are lots of challenges to fit your workout. Posting Yes I did it within a group can be helpful. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10825967/march-2021-monthly-running-challenge#latest…
  • How much weight do you have to lose? If you're within 10-15 pounds of goal, a 1/2 pound a week loss would be good progress. As Steve pointed out you are losing, just not very quickly. A food scale is a good idea. You might double check your food entries too. Plenty of entries in the database are flat out wrong.
  • Forget the brand names. That's not going to make the calorie burn estimate more accurate anyway. Think in terms of type of workout; the general category. Was it general aerobics, circuit training, or strength training?
  • This^ Batch cook on the weekends. 9x9 pan - I do 9 eggs + 9 egg whites. Season as you like and bake. Cut into 9 squares and store in the freezer, use zip-lock bags. The night before work, take a baggie out of the freezer and place in the fridge. In the a.m. reheat the egg square while you're toasting your English muffin.…
  • First - eating too little is a bad idea because it's not healthy. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10569458/why-eating-too-little-calories-is-a-bad-idea/p1 How much weight are you actually losing each week? Keep in mind exercise calorie burns are estimates, sometimes they are exaggerated. Many people eat a…
  • Has your doctor prescribed low sodium for medical reasons? If not, reduce your sodium here and there but don't try to eliminate it. Make sure you stay hydrated. 1200 is too low for an adult MALE. Your minimum (after exercise) should be at least 1500. Re: your post above "low cal foods".......if you can't meet calorie…
  • Yes - the program is written that way. It's called NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenisis). Every thing is estimates, therefore the "controversy." Your activity level is not the same number each and everyday, even if it were activity level is a range. Activity level and calories for a woman your age, blah, blah, blah is…
  • Fiber - fat - fluids - and movement. There are 2 types of fiber, both are important. Gradually increase fiber (if it's low) or you could feel really uncomfortable. https://www.webmd.com/diet/compare-dietary-fibers
  • I agree with others, walking is a great place to start. You don't need equipment (except shoes) and you don't need to join a gym. If the weather won't cooperate, go on-line. There are lots of walking-style workouts on YouTube for free. Leslie Sansone and Jessica Smith just to name two. There are lots of styles of yoga,…
  • The key to weight loss is calorie deficit. Find a way to take in fewer calories (than maintenance) on a consistent basis and you lose weight. You can eat "regular" food and lose weight. But, because you want to reduce calories it's helpful to make a larger % of those calories filling calories. Filling or satiating…