Not my thing, but my local Dollar Tree had 9 different Jillian Michaels DVDs.....newer titles too. Ripped in 30 Hard Body Hard Body Healthy Mommy Killer Arms & Back Killer Body Killer Cardio 10 Minute Body Transformation 1 & 2 Beginner Shred
Anyone looking for Leslie "boosters" - Ab Belt - Fit Cuff - or Body Boost cables. These kits are 75% off Leslie Sansone's Walk Strong Deluxe Kit – comes with 4 DVDs and both the ab belt & fit cuff Leslie Sansone: Super Walk Deluxe Kit – comes with 4 DVDs & Body Boost Cables…
The video clip is up for 5 Mega Miles ..... coming in September Walk it Off in 30 Days coming in August clip is here: Both have a music…
Wal-Mart is selling Walk it Off in 30 kit for $24.97. As far as I know this is the first retail store to sell her 2 newest DVDs. The kit contains 3 DVDs - Walk it Off in 30 - 5 Mega Miles (with stretchie band) - and 4 Mile Power Walk. There is also a walk calendar and a 30 day meal guide .... not sure what those entail.…
This one looks really fun! Can't wait for October.…
March 14th and it's Pi day ....again Anybody got Pi at their office? We've got peach and cherry ..... not my faves ... so I'm not tempted.
Exhale: Core Fusion 30 Day Sculpt. $14.99 for 30! twenty minute workouts. The footage is not new - contains segments from these four programs: Lean & Toned, Boot Camp, Yoga: Energy Flow and Cardio: Pure Intensity. These are compilations & pre-mixes (some repeat footage among the workouts). Still this sounds like a bargain.…
Netflix has removed several instant streaming workouts! What did they replace them with? - nothing! The streaming selection was TINY to begin with - now it's even worse. Just had to get that out (grrrrrrr).