

  • I tend to agree with 1Krsitine1. I seem to feel "stuffed" even hours after a larger meal. So, I try to have several smaller meals, but that just does not work all the time. I like my dinners! I eat to live!
  • First of all, you look terrific! It seems your whole attitude has improved along with the weight. You are smiling more with every picture. Do you allow yourself to "sin" every now and then? My doctor recommends to "go over" about once a week. Otherwise, your body may think you are starving it. What I have found is that not…
  • I have been on a variety of BP meds for the last several years. They didn't seem to really do the trick (though not sure what it would be like w/o them). The meds I have been taking take 14 - 20 days to become "effective" as they tend to build up in your system. The biggest change I have seen in my BP has been in the last…
  • I weigh myself almost every morning as a point of reference, but I only update my progress once a week to avoid getting all worked up about any minor fluctuations.
  • Hi all! Back in the days (a long, long time ago) I was around 190 lbs and 6'4" tall. About 6 months ago I was at 322 lbs. On my own (w/o MFP), I was able to drop it down to 306. I have been using MFP every day for over 8 weeks now and am down to 272 lbs. My near-term goal is to get to 250 within the next 5 months. So far,…
  • I just came from my physician after about 6 weeks. He told me that it is okay to "sin" on occasion. He also asked that I do not eat the same foods all the time. Variety is the spice of life! Treat yourself, but in small portions. Have something different. Go and exercise to burn some calories and then reward yourself with…