jennw912 Member


  • Just check the labels! For weight watchers people it is good because they follow points. Kind of how on here we follow calories. With just counting calories, check what the calorie count is and also check carbs and sodium! The frozen meals/food can have over 60 g of carbs! Yikes! I will eat the Healthy Choice frozen meals…
  • you look great and most of what you said is exactly what I tell myself!
  • oh and welcome to my life of water,water,water,water! But don't u feel much better the next day!
  • Rachel!!!,!! That's awesome! I'm proud of you! And yeah I think letting go at the beach a lil will be worth it!
  • Hahaha, you sound like my soon to be bro-in-law! He says theres no TASTE in a light beer and He doesnt drink anything "generic" as he calls it! Thanks for the advice! Does Corona count as a "good" beer? I like those!
  • I think you just have to evaluate what it is your eating. There's all kinds of things you can change, number 1 is WATER, WATER, WATER! Try and just have 1 caffienated drink a day and if you get sick of water, then get "fruit" water!! I know how hard it can be! You can change your bread to a low cal bread, mainly wheats,…
    in I suck Comment by jennw912 May 2011
  • I will sometimes get a small work out in if I havent worked out already. Maybe you could take a quick walk for 30 mins or so. That can usually burn up to 200 calories! Exercise is the best way to not use up all your calories at lunch or snacks!
  • I think one day never kills you to go " a little crazy." I will say though, that not eating all day is hurting your body more than its helping. Your body will recognize its being "starved" and start to store the fat you already have so it has something to "feed" off of. This will slow your metabolism down fast and all the…