h3h8m3 Member


  • Tagalongs. Love them.
  • You suggest that you might need the calories... are you eating enough during the day? If not, you should. Eat the right amount of calories earlier in the day. The simple solution to stop eating dessert is to just avoid having it in the house. If that's not possible at least get it out of sight and make it inconvenient to…
  • I just made these. They're pretty decent. I ended up adding 3T of Splenda, and I think that helped a lot. It's good, but not really cookie-like. More doughy.
  • We eat something similar to what Serena described below, but we call it eggplant parm. But it's basically just eggplant with a bit of oil, breadcrumbs, some red sauce and some cheese. It's quite tasty, and very low calorie. I can eat 6 slices for about 500 calories.
  • Yeah, I was amused about the email as I began reading it.... then started thinking that this guy sounds like he's autistic. He's exceptionally good at investing and thinking logically, but exceptionally bad at getting social cues (while able to pick up on those cues he has been told to watch for). I can't think of any…
  • The home body fat monitors are not accurate, but they can be pretty CONSISTENT. And for what you're looking for, consistent is probably the most important thing. Get the monitor, use it to figure out where you want to be (are you happy with your body fat % now, or want to drop a bit?), then you can use it to see if you're…
  • Holy smokes, this looks awesome. Can't wait to try it!
  • What a great thread! Thank you very much.
  • Calorie free butter spray? What's this voodoo you speak of?
    in Popcorn? Comment by h3h8m3 November 2011
  • What's the rationale behind people putting oil in the popcorn? Any reason why one should do that rather than going without? In general I leave oil out of recipes that call for it, and I usually don't miss it.
    in Popcorn? Comment by h3h8m3 November 2011
  • So... when will Season 2 show up on Netflix Streaming?
    in Season 1 Comment by h3h8m3 November 2011
  • I have just watched Season 1 on Netflix. Totally enjoyed it. I'm sure I'll catch up with the other season(s) eventually. :)
    in Season 1 Comment by h3h8m3 November 2011
  • Starting weight for challenge: 229.4 Current weight: 220.4 Goal weight for challenge: < 220 Total difference since challenge started: 9.0 Still a chance to hit my target weight for the month. Self-Challenge: Do at least 3 resistance training, 3 steady state cardio workouts per week. Update: Not great here again. I managed…
  • SW - 229.4lbs (Saturday Oct 1) Week 1 - 225.8 lbs (Saturday Oct 8 ) Week 2 - 225.8 lbs (Saturday Oct 15) Week 3 - 224 lbs (Saturday Oct 22) Week 4 - 220.4 lbs (Saturday Oct 29) Total lost - x lbs (Tuesday Nov 1) Heck of a week this week. 3.6 pounds down. Now it's actually possible I can hit 10 pounds this month. I'll check…
  • It seems to me that if I lost a fashion model a bit ago, I should at least to get spend some time with her...
  • What a great post Lemon. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. Next time someone posts about starvation mode, point them to that post. Great explanation.
  • GI Joe Transformers More GI Joe. I really loved that show. A lot.
  • Just about any fish is healthy. I like to grill up tuna steaks, or mahi mahi. I like them plain off the grill, don't need any toppings. Until a few months ago I never ate fish, now I love it. Pretty convenient, considering how good they are for ya!
    in Fish! Comment by h3h8m3 October 2011
  • Starting weight for challenge: 229.4 Current weight: 224 Goal weight for challenge: < 220 Total difference since challenge started: 5.4 Not looking like I'm going to hit the 220 goal this month. But I will get there. Self-Challenge: Do at least 3 resistance training, 2 interval cardio training, and 3 steady state cardio…
  • SW - 229.4lbs (Saturday Oct 1) Week 1 - 225.8 lbs (Saturday Oct 8 ) Week 2 - 225.8 lbs (Saturday Oct 15) Week 3 - 224 lbs (Saturday Oct 22) Week 4 - x lbs (Saturday Oct 29) Total lost - x lbs (Tuesday Nov 1) Down 5.4 pounds so far. Not likely I will make it to 10 pounds this month. But progress is progress, I'll take it.
  • Am I the only one who loves to hear this? I've started hearing it pretty frequently, and every time I hear it it makes me smile inside. I know I still have a bit of weight to lose, but it's AWESOME that I'm no longer visibly fat. I can now pass for a healthy weight. I really think you folks should try to take it in that…
  • I will admit to being totally stumped and cheating to find this answer. But... the game must go on! Kinky Boots. Next one: We have a great life here in Alaska, and we're never going back to America again!
  • The Italian Job (I believe, I definitely remember the scene, it's the guy who controls the traffic lights...) Next... "We had a band powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline."
  • Step 1: Get a can of almonds or peanut butter. Step 2: Eat it. Step 3: Profit.
  • Starting weight for challenge: 229.4 Current weight: 225.8 Goal weight for challenge: < 220 Total difference since challenge started: 3.6 Self-Challenge: Do at least 3 resistance training, 2 interval cardio training, and 3 steady state cardio workouts per week. Update: I did 2 real resistance training days and one of just…
  • Didn't take long to have the joy of 229 fade. :P But I did have a very good week. SW - 229.4lbs (Saturday Oct 1) Week 1 - 225.8 lbs (Saturday Oct 8 ) Week 2 - x lbs (Saturday Oct 15) Week 3 - x lbs (Saturday Oct 22) Week 4 - x lbs (Saturday Oct 29) Total lost - x lbs (Tuesday Nov 1)
  • Blackhawk Down. "Well, I was born without the top of my skull and I guess a little bit of my brains was showin' and it was grossin' everybody out so my mom put this wig on me to cover it up and then the bones grew together and it got all infused and entwined. I mean I don't mean to get all scientific with you... "
  • Heh... all the guys are judging women based on a single picture of them. It doesn't get any more shallow than that. BTW: 51234
  • Grizzly Adams! I totally need a good idea for my costume... see the picture in my profile please. :)
  • Before I got serious about losing weight I wasn't very supportive about my wife losing weight... not because I'm a jerk, but because I didn't want to suggest that she NEEDED to lose weight. By making a big deal about her losing weight I felt like I would be saying that she had a problem before. I FELT like me not saying…