crabby10 Member


  • New to this challenge -- have been doing relatively well with exercising and logging food for the last two months, and I want to keep it up!
  • I did my first day of 30 Day Shred last night -- yikes! My goals for this week are small, because there are only three more days in the week, but I'd like to try 30-Day Shred 2/23, 2/24, 2/25 and 2/26. Wish me luck -- I hope I don't get too sore.
  • I disagree with eating back all your exercise calories. I think you need to eat your BRM and try NOT to eat your exercise calories. If you eat your BRM and then exercise 500 calories a day, that adds up to a weight loss of one pound a week. Eating your BRM and all your exercise calories adds up to NO weight loss a week.…
  • I think it's normal for a woman's weight to fluctuate a little over the course of a month, so don't beat yourself up or get discouraged. I know that if I chart my weight every day, there are days when my weight jumps up and then stays exactly the same and then it will jump down. I'd suggest: 1) make sure you eat at least…
  • Hi, I just started on Wednesday, so I'm new as well. I'm in the same boat -- 156 last week and want to be back down to 130 this summer (in time for my high school reunion!). Please add me as a friend.