rgibson5 Member


  • Water, vanilla protein shakes & Plexus Slim :)
  • Three weeks ago I posted about a journey that I was starting. In the past 3 weeks, I've lost 3lbs & several inches, I've been migraine free, im no longer feeling swollen & bloated, im sleeping better, I have lots of energy, & today I went to the gym & exercised for the first time in a really long time :) I'm eating…
  • Friend request sent! I'm not new either...just more motivated. I logged back in & got serious this past Tuesday. I have 4 months to reach my goal (or atleast close to my goal anyway) & fit back into my summer clothes again. Good luck to you!
  • Friend request sent
  • Personally for myself the more I think about things I "can't " have, the more I want them. So, knowing that if I am fully committed 5 days a week & I have 2 days to not eat what I want all day, but choose one meal that I can eat what I want and not feel quilty about it helps. I am doing a really strict diet that only…