does taking a day off help?

I have been logging in faithfully for 10 days now - exercising regularly and has been easy to log foods/exercise on my phone, and have lost 4 pounds! really craving sweets last two days. Just wondering - does it make sense to build in one day off each week to eat what you want, or does that make it too easy to fall "off the wagon"? I am really wanting to make this work for me long term, not just for the time it takes me to lose the weight I want to lose. Thoughts?


  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Depends on the person and their willpower. A lot of people on the site take weekly Cheat Days. It keeps them on track the other 6 days of the week and works better long-term for them.

    Of course, that depends on if you can stick to it religiously and still make good choices the rest of the week!
  • davidgillanders
    Probably not each week, but pick a date or two on the calendar in the next couple of months when you know a special occasion is coming...for instance it's my birthday on May 11th and I'm going to an MLB game for sure, I plan to eat well during the day and gorge in the me something to look forward to :)

    I did this quite a bit when I lost 75lbs on WW and found it really helpful to almost "reset" my metabolism. Can't do it too often though.
  • makeachange22
    it doesnt hurt. once a week on weigh in day if i have lost two pounds i treat myself to one overly fattening thing. whether it be a small bag of chips, dairy queen, etc ... and i dont gain that weight maybe the next day i do but its gone and i lose another 2 or so pounds that week
  • gilliland24
    if you dont have a cheat day you will go crazy!!! thats how i see it. give yourself a treat one day a week but don't over indulge. if this is really what you what you will be able to get back on the wagon and keep going! good luck!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It depends. I don't take days off. Some people do.

    To me, it makes more sense to make permanent changes. If you think you want to have sugar in your life, figure out a way to work it into your goals rather than just going on a binge for a day.

    When I lost this weight the first time around, I began with a fierce sweet tooth. I went cold turkey and completely lost my taste for that stuff--to this day, I can't eat it.

    So if you want to kick the sweets, kick 'em. It does work! But if you just want to limit them, I'd say to work them into your plan.
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    I dont think taking a day off is a solution, however you can still have what you crave and stay within your calorie limit you just have to be creative or work out more
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I feel its ok to have a "cheat meal" once a week but not a whole cheat day. Also depending on how you are eating, if you are eating strictly healthy and clean food you can always fit your cheat meal into your daily calorie goal.

    I usually do this and i never plan to have a whole day where i don't eat healthy and clean. But it does happen at least once a month and when it does its no big deal just get back on track the next day. Also drinking tons of water the day after will help you lose all the water weight you might have gained from it.
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    I don't take cheat days per se, but if I'm craving something, I eat it...just in a much smaller portion than normal. I try to fit it into my calorie allotment for the day, or at least try to make sure I still have at least a minimal calorie deficit for that day.

    I've been known to eat ice cream (just now by the half cup rather than by the huge bowlful) and candy bars (minis rather than a whole one) when the cravings hit, and have made pretty steady progress towards my goal. I tend to go over on weekends more than weekdays, but since I keep progressing, I'm not sweating over it. :smile:
  • smcclaycouffer
    smcclaycouffer Posts: 104 Member
    I had the same question when I first started this. A lot of people were against cheat days, but a lot of ppl suggested a cheat meal one day of the week. I started doing that to keep my sanity! It works believe me. I usually have my cheat meal every Friday which so happens to be my weigh in day. I do it that way so I have all week to work off those extra calories I put on during my cheat meal. I also try not to go over board. I make sure I work out and eat lightly through out the day so I don't go over too badly. I have my cheat meal for dinner. If you do have a cheat meal once a week you will still need the will power not to cheat the other days but it makes it easier.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    For me, I have so much motivation right now I don't want to lose momentum by stopping completely. But I know that this change won't work if I don't indulge in things a little bit, so I just pre-log them into my food diary. Weekends are especially hard, so I'll add in a slice of pizza, or a small candy bar, or whatever. That way I get what I want but it's still within reason.

    The other thing I do is ask myself if it's worth it. If the answer is yes, that I really really want that food, then I go for it. If the answer is no, I find an alternative.

    basically, do what works for you!
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Can you build in a day for something you crave?

    I am kind of an all or nothing person with dieting and yet I understand what you are asking. I may have to deal with this in the near future myself...glad you brought it up.

    Right now I am still in the psyched to be in control phase! :tongue:
  • padkat
    padkat Posts: 75
    I'm with Junebride on this one. Cheat days aren't good for me because I find it hard to get back on track the next day. Instead I allow myself calories each day for my treats. What I have found is that over time my choices of 'treat' have changed. At one time it was always chocolate, but having managed to give it up over lent I find now I can manage with a low calories rice dessert or ice cream with a little honey. That said if I fancy a little chocolate now and then I will have it, I'll just build it in to my calorie allowance for the day. Whatever your demon is, allowing yourself a little now and then may help you avoid a binge later. Good luck :smile:
  • rgibson5
    rgibson5 Posts: 5 Member
    Personally for myself the more I think about things I "can't " have, the more I want them. So, knowing that if I am fully committed 5 days a week & I have 2 days to not eat what I want all day, but choose one meal that I can eat what I want and not feel quilty about it helps. I am doing a really strict diet that only allows me to have 100 carbs all day long (my goal is to lose 30-50lbs by the end of June), so for me, these 2 days to look forward to are fantastic! I'm only just starting myself but this is how I plan to do it. Hope this helps!
  • MadisonsMom2009
    MadisonsMom2009 Posts: 36 Member
    I personally think its best to have a cheat "meal" or treat not a whole day.....because to me a day can spiral into DAYS.... but it all depends on your willpower!

    Great job on the four pounds!!!

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    its totally up to you.

    I have banned nothing, banning things leads to cravings and who needs them!?

    I have a "free" day on my weigh in day if I have lost, I dont go over calories but I take no notice of the carb/fat/protein/salt. So far so good but I know as I get close to goal things will probably have to change.

    If you feel it will help keep you on the straight and narrow go for it but beware that eating empty carbs (white bread, rice, pasta and sugary things) will probably leave you with extra cravings in the following couple of days.
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    I work a cookie or two, or some chocolate into my diary most days. It what keeps me sane and on track. I'm sure over time I wont need them as much,but I'm still losing and am happy with my progress so it works for me.

    Try a couple of weeks with a cheat meal/day and see what happens - what works/doesn't work for you might not work for others and vice versa. :happy:
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I try to make sure I have the calories to build a little treat into each day. Many days I don't want it, and I am a little under, so then I have some left for the week to have a bigger splurge. But I make sure that for the total for the week I am not over. I hope that makes sense.