

  • Be patient you can get there. My only tip is to use MFP as a guide prior to eating. Most of the people I talk to on MFP log in their food after they eat it. I try to log in and enter the foods I am about to eat before. If I'm not okay with the amount if calories, sugar, etc. I look for ways to change it up. Small changes…
  • it is difficult to adjust your internal clock. I am great early in the morning and dead by 9pm. Consult your doctor if he thinks you are eating enough calories and your fluid intake and exercise routine are all good - maybe your just a night person. My daughter complaints of dizziness & nausea when she exerts herself early…
  • log in everything you eat but don't use that info to make yourself feel bad if you eat cookies or ice cream, use it to learn more about yourself. Knowing when I eat and why helps me to adjust my habits and choices. Also don't worry about how many sit-ups or pushups you can or can't do, just keep moving. I started walking…
  • I checked in my pantry - 1/4 cup of uncooked (3/4 cups when cooked) of Carolina enriched long grain white rice is 150 calories. The same amount of Uncle Bens Brown rice is 170 calories. In a side by side the white rice actually has a higher protein content and a lower fat content. There goes my daughter's theory that brown…
  • I also am on a budget and have a job sitting behind a desk, here are a few things that seem to help and cost nothing. Stand up and walk in place while watching TV, the TV is a distraction and before you know it you've walked an hour without ever having to leave home. It really is little things like taking the stairs…
  • Hi Mike my name is Mary. I've only been on MFP for less than a month but already I am feeling better. Logging in all your food helps to keep you aware of what you're really eating - you know a cookie here a pepsi there it all adds up. I just wanted to say don't become discouraged - I have been very thin and very fat but…