

  • Oh my goodness. All these cosplays are like top shelf and I'm just sitting here trying to hide my Vanellope costume I am not done making and my Fourth Doctor cosplay. Although, I will say I am darn proud of that scarf.
  • I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the weirdo who sits next to you on the bus! I am… ...Robyn. I'm a huge Disney aficionado (my username taken from the villain from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers), I like books. A lot. You want to make my day? Take me to a bookstore or a library or really any place that might have…
  • Super Smash Bros. I have played the demo so much on my 3DS, Villager is definitely awesome. And in another throwback to my childhood: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Absolutely ecstatic. Not exactly a fan of shooters so Destiny didn't really stand out to me. I've been playing both Bravely Default and Fire Emblem and…
  • Everyone's saying they are joining late and here I am joining September 25. Better late than never, I suppose. I'm 22, I'll be turning 23 during the challenge, though. No human children but the proud servant (they are cats, after all) of several fur babies, still in college, perpetually stressed out over everything.…