

  • Starting Weight 8/15 : 200.4 Goal Weight for this challenge: 180 There are 19 weeks until Christmas. Lose 1 pound a week and we're totally there! It's gonna get rougher starting late October. I'm hoping to establish a good routine now so when it gets to the holiday extravaganza I'll have that to help me keep it together!
  • Rough week too but I agree with y'all. No reason to beat yourself up over a difficult week. High Fives all around!
  • I've lost and gained and am back on the wagon again. I've got a good 50 to lose and I'd be delighted to be your fitness pal!
  • Hey Holly, right there with ya. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. I got married, became pregnant, had our son, then postpartum knocked me out. My depression and anxiety was worse than it had ever been and most days moving was out of the question. I took care of the baby but nothing else.…