lost before i can lose again w/help

arose928 Posts: 31 Member
I've been using this site since 01/13, lost 26 pounds +, fell off the grid and ashamed. Back again to give it another go and cant seem to stick with it yet again. Maybe if I have the encouragement of friends I can pull it off this time.
I have a solid 30 pounds to lose and maybe 10 more. Its a hell of a feet and dont know why I cant get past it. I just want to do this and maybe the accountability will help.


  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    I had just finished losing 45 lbs a little over a year ago, then gained it all back and then some shortly after, while beginning a new relationship. I'm on here for accountability and motivation reasons also! Gonna give ya an add, best of luck!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You're welcome to add me.

    I am using the sanity approach: I wear a fitness tracker (Bodymedia) and use a HRM for workouts so I know exactly how many calories I burn in a day. I keep my deficit small most days (350-500) and I don't cut out any foods I like. I eat plenty of ice cream and Vitatops and burgers and Taco Bell. If I want to go over because I'm going to a favorite restaurant or it's a special occasion, I do. I don't need anyone else's permission. I maintain a very healthy relationship with food, and rarely feel the urge to binge (and when I do, it's usually out of boredom at work.)

    Keeping a low deficit and allowing myself plenty of leeway allows me to lose about a pound every 10 days with no pain or anxiety or stress, and without feeling at all deprived. I think way too many people start off a little too gung-ho and cut calories too far, and their bodies rebel.

    Be gentle with yourself. Look at this as a journey to learn a new lifestyle, not a diet to lose weight. There is no derailing you, there is only giving yourself longer to reach your goal.
  • wintersandrea99
    I've lost and gained and am back on the wagon again. I've got a good 50 to lose and I'd be delighted to be your fitness pal!
  • mrsa1971
    mrsa1971 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally understand! I can get the exercise right but I can't seem to get the eating part right. I also need to lose over 30lbs.