

  • Hello Spinal77 I kown Helmut Newcake, and NoGlu. Take care, I will tru to find the open times of NoGlu, because they are not open every day NoGlu is near the 'grand Boulevard', one street for shopping... and near the 'Hard Rock Cofee' Helmut Newcake, is very good but not near Subway station.. :-( Another location is 'un…
  • I'm celliac since 3 years...not easy when you travel... I'm lucky I like to cook.... The best european country is Italie... in Rome, Florence, It s easy to find some Gluten Free food.. and you can eat Pasta.. gluten Free pasta, but when you are in Italia.. it's important In France... we don't have gluten free restaurant..…
  • Bonjour OK pour moi pour le 20 septembre... pour le type de balade, j ai pas de soucis.. sans originalité, je trouve l'idée sympa de se retrouver et ainsi mieux se soutenir.. A+ Armelle
  • Bonjour je suis du 95, vers Herblay... si il y a des gens motivés pour creer un groupe de marche ou jogging.. je suis preneuse... Armelle