Krohnie Member


  • Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a try, it is totally an obsession and I wish it would go away. Food makes me happy, eating at a restaurant with my family is awesome for me. I've got to ditch that mentality. I also love to cook, but hate to grocery shop, so I end up making the same thing over and over because we…
  • I've been trying to lose some weight seriously since october, so the nine pounds is from the end of October. I've been dabbling in weight loss since my first son was born, 6 years ago! Never got back to where I was happy and then I got pregnant with #2 son. Now I'm almost up to what I was when I came home from the hospital…
  • Im down one to 183.4
  • I'm going back to phase one, feel free to friend me. I've had a rough few weeks here, two funerals, a new car, work stress, and I feel like I need to reset, and phase one is just the thing. I just need to get rid of all the left over funeral food in the fridge. I didn't make it or pay for it, but I still feel bad for…
  • The theme of my week was "Craptastic" Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Funerals, dead cars, electrical/internet issues with the office. So I ate my way through it. Not a great idea. Since this week my grandmother is going into hospice care and they aren't sure she's going to make it very long at all. So, I…
  • I think I was up this week. 182.4, up from 182.2. Not a great weigh in for me, but not terrible
  • Hello! On 1/1 I was 183.4 On 1/7 I was 182.2, so a loss of 1.2 if I did my math right, which I frequently do not, just like spelling!! Hoping for a good week this week, but I've been feeling a bit stressed and down..... Keep on pushing...
  • Howdy everyone! I'm back at work today too! I think I forgot how to do my job!! I'll figure it out soon I guess. I'm excited to get going, but super stressed too. Busy Busy Busy that's all I am. And my LOVELY husband has a cold! Yes, You heard it here first. The world MUST stop spinning so that he may lay on the couch!! He…
  • I'm 5'9" and starting at 183. I'm hoping to get down to 155ish!! We'll see as we get down there!! I'm so pumped!
  • I'm here on the beach still. Still struggling with phase 2. I think allowing myself the glass of wine is a bad idea. One turns to two and two turns to three and then I get the munchies and it's all downhill! So I think I'm cutting that out again. I think it will be hard with my family and thanksgiving coming up, but I can…
  • I'm not thrilled with the website. right at this moment I'm trying to log in to find some supper recipes and I'm getting no where. I did like the feature where you could print a weeks worth of recipes and grocery lists, but I can't find that on the new website. Website aside, I REALLY like the "diet" My cravings are gone,…
  • I don't think that is a terrible number. I lost about 8 lbs on phase 1. I'm looking to lose about 35 lbs total, so I was pretty thrilled with that!! Just think that they really recommend only losing 2lbs a week, so be thrilled with what you've done. Good luck with the rest of the journey!!
  • going on my 5th week of the beach. Phase one was wonderful. Phase 2 seems like I'm slipping. Like now that I've had a taste of the carbs I'm getting my cravings back. I'm going to go back to phase 1 for this week and get myself kicking again. Hope you guys are all doing well. I'm going to get my exercise program going…
  • I'm an optometrist, feel free to add me if you'd like too!
  • We have similar goals as well. I'm 5'9" and am currently 184.4. I've finally gotten serious about this and starting doing something instead of wishing. My ultimate goal is around 155. Feel free to friend me if you want. Thanks, Karen
  • BS in Cell and Moluecular Biology OD - Doctor of Optometry (An Eye Doctor)
  • What type of little things? Any way to measure that or to ensure that I'm making progress? I want to be on that mountain, but the climb scares the heck out of me.....
  • My goals: 179- new workout clothes (although I think I need new ones anyway, so I'll probably buy some) 175- new purse 170- Highlights to cover this gray!! 165- sunless sun tanning towels 160- new family photos 155- new clothes for EVERYTHING!!! I'm up higher than when I made this list though, so I need something for my…
  • I just started it last week and I'm really liking it. Can't say much for results at this point, but it's a great workout. I've done P90x and liked it, but it was so much strength stuff, I loved the cardio parts of it. I thought insanity would be a great way to get the cardio/plyo parts of P90x, but it seems so Impossible…
  • I totally understand the feeling, feel free to add me! I've got about 40 lbs to lose and have struggled with getting it going
  • anybody have any idea?
  • my favorite quote of all time about running: "It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit." Running is you vs you, go as fast as you need to to feel successful and…
  • I have like 4 jillian videos, so instead of spending more money, I'm going to make up my own schedule to switch up the monotony. I'm going to do two a day for the rest of the month and pretend it's a beachbody workout schedule to adhere to! maybe then I can put the money i would have spent on that and buy myself some…
  • Putting ^^^^this on my fridge.!!
  • I'm glad to hear that people have been able to work it back into their lifestyle. I'm from wisconsin and we love us some beer! But I'm so struggling with losing that I'm giving it up. Starting today. I have a dinner out with family tonight and a business trip that always involves too much to drink this weekend, but what a…
    in Alcohol Comment by Krohnie July 2012
  • A lesson I'm really struggling with lately! Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. If I were half as good at being healthy as I am at beating myself up, I'd be at my goal!!
  • Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches!! YUMMO! salty and sweet and crunchy!! And nope, I"m not even pregnant and I eat these. THey are a friday of lent staple for me!
  • bump looks great!
  • moving up north here, I'm from just north of Eau Claire.
    in Wisconsin Comment by Krohnie June 2012