patuleka Member


  • That's true, I need to put more attention on what I eat. I eat good...but probably too many fruits or nuts....... I will definitlely log my food and exercise everyday. I need to loose this fat NOW! lol
  • OMG Thank you!!! I stopped reading, inputting my meals/exercise for 18 months!! hahaha nothing has changed. I go to the gym....hired a personal trainer....I LOOK the same. and feel the same. BUT I will try not to mix carbs and protein!!! that sounds a great idea!! I really appreciate all your help!!!
  • Hi! Thank you for your respond! Sorry I didn't check. I have no problem with my legs and arms...I got muscle definition...they look nice :D But it's my waist, stomach....of course that has been bothering. AND my weight....which is so hard to loose it!....Those extra pounds that I gained during the Holidays...3 or 4…
  • 3 kids is a lot. I have 2 kids and for the last 20 years I've been working out. I cook (like really cook!!) every morning for my family. I am peruvian so we need to eat peruvian food. Have a full time job for the last 20 years too. When my kids were little, I used to go to the gym before picking them up from daycare. Then…
  • Welcome!!...and believe me I am always there! people look at you like. You don't eat??? come on!!!!!!! But the last time I gained 4 pounds and 2 months have passed and I can't loose them!!! lol so.....I learned....I workout so hard and try to be good that NOBODY will tell me what to eat or not. You are you can…
  • Hi! it's the first time that I actually write or post something here... So, I read your problem....I have to tell you that I went through the same friends don't want to workout or eat healthy, not even my family!!!! So what I did is do not blame them!! Do something for yourself. Be healthy and hopefully you…
  • I work out at my lunch time. Gym is very closed to my office. But when I worked in a different company - I used to drive to the gym. workout like crazy, and pick up my daughter from daycare. up at 7 am to go to the gym and come back to take care of my family. I have two kids and a husband (so 3 kids!) and…