Women early 50's!!!! help please!

Ok. I have been working out almost for 20 years (like going to the gym almost every day!). My weight? 132 lbs. Height 5.4 age? 32.
At 37 I had my second baby. and never lost the last 8 pounds......I was at 138-139 lbs.....even though I kept working out. Now I am 51. It seems almost impossible to loose weight. Sadly, I gained 4 pounds in one month (yes during the Holidays!) But I have been going to the gym...eating healthy....and this is NOT getting any better. WHAT CAN I DO?????? Need help
Now I do 2 classes of Body Pump (weights) and 2 classes of spinnning...always do abs and on Fridays I do Latin Dance. So....I don't know if I should find a personal trainer....or what.
PLEASE HELP!!!!! I asked for women because we are so different! hormons are awful.


  • DiLancashire
    Hi I've copied this from another site, although my son keeps on telling me the same thing....as a general rule, anything involving freeweights or resistance training will bulk up muscle (and muscle weighs more than fat) unless you stick to high reps and lighter weights (which will then tone you/give your body definition without giving you muscles). To lose weight do aerobic activities like biking or jogging…but keep your heart rate at the low (fat burning) end of your minimum and maximum heart rate. Basically, less is more so don't go all hell for leather thinking the more puffed out and knackered you are the better the exercise will work
    Hope it helps a little x
  • patuleka
    patuleka Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Thank you for your respond! Sorry I didn't check.
    I have no problem with my legs and arms...I got muscle definition...they look nice :D But it's my waist, stomach....of course that has been bothering. AND my weight....which is so hard to loose it!....Those extra pounds that I gained during the Holidays...3 or 4 pounds....are still here! Very dissapointed. I go to the gym from Monday thru Friday. Monday=Spinning, Tuesday and Wednesday- weights class - they work all your body is called Body Pump - Thursday - spinning and Friday Zumba!! plus steam room. I really don't know what else to do. But thank you for your advise!! I'll keep writing about my "ride". I have been more strict with my diet too.
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Hi firstly muscle does not weigh more than fat, it is rubbish, 1lb is 1lb! Muscle is denser than fat but that is it. I am 50 in three days and have struggled with body fat. Like you I do two or three body pump classes, three zumba classes and pilates, but still body fat was an issue, particularly around my middle.

    About a six weeks ago I read a diet book which effectively separates carbs from protein in your meals. You either eat a carb meal or a fat meal, never mix them. Your body will automatically search for carbs first for fuel so if you do not give it carbs if has to burn fat. I do eat carbs usually porridge for breakfast but I find I do better on fat meals, which is meat/fish and veggies. I had hit a huge plateau and bounced around the same weight for over 12 months. Since starting this regime or eating clean and separating food groups I have lost almost 8lbs most of which is body fat. So waistline is reducing :o)

    Give it a try I would never have believed it could work, had tried everything, but very happy I took this step. So cut out processed food completely and stick to natural food. The programme is called The Harcombe Diet but I live in the UK not sure if it is available in the US. It is simple though carbs are rice, pasta, bread, pulses etc. Fat is meat, fish, eggs, dairy. Veggies are ok to be eaten with either type of meal. Really try and eat only three meals a day, no snacking that way your body has to search for fuel from your body.

    Exercise is great but should never be used solely as a tool for weight loss, this has to be done through diet.

    Good luck
    Mandy x
  • JuiceBars
    JuiceBars Posts: 78 Member
    So I am 50 and can relate to most of what you stated. I can tell you that putting more attention into what exactly I was eating was very helpful. The food tracker is helpful with that. In the past I was eating too many carbs....they were healthy carbs, lots of fruit , whole grains nuts and such but not enough protein in general. When I exercised, I was using all the easily available sugars in my system and as a result I wasn't needing to access calories stored as fat. I am not sure how new you are to tracking calories but it is very eye opening. For some people, it is the lack of calories that is working against them. I fit in exercise every day. Some of what I do I have been doing for a long time and as a result, my body has been conditioned and isn't challenged by it much anymore. (I am referring to my morning 2.5 mile dog walk that I have been doing for 7 years). Your body needs to be challenged by a variety of exercises....maybe you need to change things up? I started running which helped me through my plateau. Feel free to friend me if you want. I want to drop a total of 20 lbs and have 8 more to go!
  • patuleka
    patuleka Posts: 8 Member
    OMG Thank you!!!
    I stopped reading, inputting my meals/exercise for 18 months!! hahaha nothing has changed. I go to the gym....hired a personal trainer....I LOOK the same. and feel the same.
    BUT I will try not to mix carbs and protein!!! that sounds a great idea!! I really appreciate all your help!!!
  • patuleka
    patuleka Posts: 8 Member
    So I am 50 and can relate to most of what you stated. I can tell you that putting more attention into what exactly I was eating was very helpful. The food tracker is helpful with that. In the past I was eating too many carbs....they were healthy carbs, lots of fruit , whole grains nuts and such but not enough protein in general. When I exercised, I was using all the easily available sugars in my system and as a result I wasn't needing to access calories stored as fat. I am not sure how new you are to tracking calories but it is very eye opening. For some people, it is the lack of calories that is working against them. I fit in exercise every day. Some of what I do I have been doing for a long time and as a result, my body has been conditioned and isn't challenged by it much anymore. (I am referring to my morning 2.5 mile dog walk that I have been doing for 7 years). Your body needs to be challenged by a variety of exercises....maybe you need to change things up? I started running which helped me through my plateau. Feel free to friend me if you want. I want to drop a total of 20 lbs and have 8 more to go!

    That's true, I need to put more attention on what I eat. I eat good...but probably too many fruits or nuts....... I will definitlely log my food and exercise everyday. I need to loose this fat NOW! lol
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Hi, I'm 55, and I sympathize. As we age, our metabolism slows down, so we can't eat as much and it takes longer to burn off extra weight. The curse of age -- easier to put weight on, but it takes more exercises to keep it off. I do strength training, kickboxing, lost of walking, etc. I did manage to get down to a reasonable weight and am now focusing more on losing inches and being toned. I also gained a little around the waist and tummy -- I used to be a 24-25 inch waist. It was a major victory when I was able to get into 27" waist jeans about a month ago. My only other piece of advice, love your body and that you can still do so many activities to stay fit. Many women our age can't.