

  • Looks like a great group here! I'm about to finish my 9th week on MFP and have lost about 11 pounds. At the 10 pound mark, MFP cut 70 calories off my daily goal and that has taken a bit of adjusting. I bike to and from my job, so I'm cycling five days a week - not a long ride, but the last section has a bit of an uphill. I…
  • I'm relatively new to MFP (just passed the 8 week mark and have lost 8 pounds, which is a good pace), and I'm also following South Beach guidelines within the calorie allotment. It's not difficult because I mostly eat that way anyhow. So far so good. If this pace continues, I should be down another 15 or 16 pounds by the…
  • Absolutely right - I had such a day yesterday,which is why I'm on this board! It's my first day of posting to the community after seven weeks following MFP. It was only my 2nd "bad" day out of 48, which is pretty good! After my first four weeks on MFP, I added South Beach Diet to my eating plan, so that I was taking out…
  • I had a day like that yesterday. I was a bit shocked about how "bad" I was, because it didn't happen until I got home from a full day out and then sat down and noshed... and noshed. Key to keeping on track, to me, is 1) Be honest. Don't lie when you enter your foods. I say that because I'm sometimes tempted not to log in…