

  • I feel your pain as I put on most of what I lost last week too so here's your (((((hugs)))))
  • Hi there, I'm also a Mum of 4, I'm a SAHM at the mo, but my youngest starts school in September so I guess I'll be looking for a job around then lol, I've only been on here about 10days so also looking for friends
    in Hello Comment by cblr1976 May 2011
  • I've got 4 Craig Bethany Layla Reilly
  • Hi there, I'm just about 5foot if I stand tall lol It does bug my too, not as much now I'm older, but I still get asked "Is your Mum in?" when sales people knock on the door, and get ID'd when buying alcohol as they see a short person and assume your young! My Son's 11 and some the girls in his year are as big and bigger…
  • I'm off in a few weeks too, I'm going to relax what I do, we're camping so there'll be lots of family walking and playing footie/frisbie with the children but I won't exercise as such, and try to make sure I don't go silly with the food either lol Hope you have a great time:smile:
  • Hi there, I'm also new, just joined today, I've also been lucky and been thin until after my 4th child, and although I'm not really overweight I now weigh just over what I did full time with him, so want to lose that (about a stone) I've not got much support as friends and family still see me as really thin but as I keep…