

  • Yes, that would be right. As you repeat a particular exercise, your muscles become more efficient at those motions and use less energy. As a result, you burn fewer calories per mile walked, pound lifted, etc. In order to avoid this, you either need to increase the intensity of your workout, or better yet, mix up your…
  • Whether you eat the calories you work off is up to you. Obviously, if you don't eat those calories, you'll lose weight faster. On the other hand, some people prefer to lose weight at a slower pace, but have more freedom to what/how much they want. It's just a matter of how you want to use those calories. The reason MFP…
  • Agreed. Doesn't matter which scale you pick, just pick one and use it as your "official" scale. It might not be the most accurate in terms of your absolute weight, but it will tell you your weight loss from day-to-day, and that's what you're really looking for.
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