rayray1851 Member


  • I'm no expert, but for me it all depends on how I feel. I've quit counting calories and focused on eating healthy foods (protein, veggies, some whole grains...) but if you're really hungry then I would definitely eat back some of your exercise calories. I follow the "eat within 30 minutes of a run" but it doesn't have to…
  • Wow! That's awesome! I'm just shooting for 2:30 for my first half... What training program did you use?
  • I've been MIA for a few days.... I'm trying right now to just go out for a run regularly (about 4 times a week and 2 cross training days) and then start an actual plan at the 12 week mark. By then, I hope to be at 3 miles. Currently, I run about 1.5 miles and this weekend for my "long" run I'm doing 2. It sounds really…
    in newbie! Comment by rayray1851 May 2013
  • Disney World Princess Half Marathon is soooo in my future :)
  • I've done them both and without a doubt Insanity is one million times more intense. I got bored with 30DS. I want to die everytime I turn on Insanity ;)
  • Haha I'm in love with Level 2, too! I only did about 7 days of Level 1 (not in a row...) but I was starting to get bored and not feeling sore after so I jumped to Level 2 and it's definitely more intense! I love being sore after a workout because I feel like I really did something! I definitely like it over Level 1!!…
  • Um I need to know how to get abs like yours... sheesh. I recently graduated college and got a job and the first thing I did was create a budget. I'm using most of my "miscellaneous" expense money on things for the wedding. My parents are paying for the big things, so I'm trying to buy the little things here and there to…
  • Overall, for me, it's just an awkward move! I suffer through it, but enjoy everything else :)
  • I actually have Insanity, too. It's just so hard to fit in when I have the 30DS option of only 20 minutes. My plan is to get through the 30DS and then tackle Insanity. Hopefully I'll be in better shape and it won't be so terrible ;)
  • Yay! Keep it up everyone :))
  • Aww thanks @skinnybear. I appreciate the encouragement ladies! I'm definitely going the diet and exercise route! 30 Day Shred and paleo diet. Hopefully it'll tone me up and lose a few :) Good luck!!!