30 day shred vs Insanity

I've tried Insanity a couple of times, and the longest I've ever stuck with it is 2 weeks. It's not impossible for me, I just get bored easily by circuits because I hate repetitiveness. Anyway, after not working out for a few months, I started back up with Zumba, which I love but don't want to do every day, and then today I tried out 30 day shred for the first time. It's not even half as intense as Insanity, I worked hard and my muscles burned, but I didn't hardly sweat (whereas I drip sweat onto the floor with Insanity), and I wasn't convinced that only 20 minutes of this a day would get serious results. However, when I googled results from each of the two programs, plus trolled the threads here searching for real peoples' results, it seems to me that women are getting much more tangible results with 30 day shred than Insanity. Is this true, and how is this possible? I'm sure that after Insanity you are more "fit" cardio wise, and very strong and feel great about yourself, but the photos and the numbers just aren't striking like I'm seeing with 30 day shred. I tried googling this phenomenon to see if anyone else had noticed "better results from 30 day shred than Insanity", and everything that came up was people saying that INSANITY will give better rersults, and that if you can do Insanity, then doing 30DS is a step backwards. But that's just not what I'm seeing in these crazy before and after photos with 30DS. Anyone care to weigh in on this? Has anyone else noticed this?


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    It's a mystery isn't it? I did Insanity, got the t-shirt, but didn't get ripped. My tummy was as huge as ever. I did 30DS and my tummy shrunk a bit :smile:
  • I can't give you any information on the topic but I too am trying to research both. My friend gave me her copy of 30DS this morning which I plan on starting tomorrow. I'm just not sure I want to spend the money on INSANITY if 30DS is 'better'. So I'd like to follow your inquiry and see what everyone else thinks.
  • Leanalgreen
    Leanalgreen Posts: 36 Member
    Diet is the biggest factor when it comes to weight loss. Were the people on the 30 day shred on stricter diets? Had they done it multiple times? I'm not familiar with it so I can't answer for sure. I do know that a lot of companies claim their workout is fantastic, but they also have you on a starvation diet. You'll lose the weight, but then it comes right back on.

    I had great results with insanity. The key is you have to eat right and stick out the whole program. If you can put your boredom aside, eat right, and stay motivated you will lose weight with Insanity.

    In the end though it's still all about diet.
  • daffodil23
    daffodil23 Posts: 11 Member
    So weird, Microfiber! And was your diet different during the times you did the different programs? Thanks for your input!
  • daffodil23
    daffodil23 Posts: 11 Member
    Diet is the biggest factor when it comes to weight loss. Were the people on the 30 day shred on stricter diets? Had they done it multiple times? I'm not familiar with it so I can't answer for sure. I do know that a lot of companies claim their workout is fantastic, but they also have you on a starvation diet. You'll lose the weight, but then it comes right back on.

    I had great results with insanity. The key is you have to eat right and stick out the whole program. If you can put your boredom aside, eat right, and stay motivated you will lose weight with Insanity.

    In the end though it's still all about diet.

    Agreed. Diet is definitely the most important factor in both feeling good and looking good!
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    I can only tell you for me Insanity is what got my results and eating strict and clean. I never tried 30 day shred but have heard too that it is not as intense as Insanity. I wanted results. I didn't start seeing great results until at least 30 into 45 days and at the 60 days was when I really saw results were much different. If you want check out my video on YOUTUBE I made of my results on Insanity. http://youtu.be/rRCPVSOrfJI I truely feel you have to stick all the way through the 60 days to see true results.
  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member
    I agree that diet is most important. Plus it depends how hard you push yourself during the work. I think some people half **kitten* it when it comes to 30 day shred and don't give it they're all because it's only 20 min. I have done 30 day shred and am now finishing up round 2 month 2 of Insanity and I have had great results. I also like seeing they calories I burn with Insanity. I can never burn more than 160 with 30 day shred
  • rayray1851
    rayray1851 Posts: 14 Member
    I've done them both and without a doubt Insanity is one million times more intense. I got bored with 30DS. I want to die everytime I turn on Insanity ;)
  • jbudge1
    jbudge1 Posts: 62 Member
    Diet is the biggest factor when it comes to weight loss. Were the people on the 30 day shred on stricter diets? Had they done it multiple times? I'm not familiar with it so I can't answer for sure. I do know that a lot of companies claim their workout is fantastic, but they also have you on a starvation diet. You'll lose the weight, but then it comes right back on.

    I had great results with insanity. The key is you have to eat right and stick out the whole program. If you can put your boredom aside, eat right, and stay motivated you will lose weight with Insanity.

    In the end though it's still all about diet.

    This says it all. Losing weight is about what you eat. You can lose weight by diet alone but it is very difficult to lose weight by exercise alone if that makes sense. This is why I personally do not eat exercise calories back.

    I have been through Insanity several times and it is a real *kitten* kicker.
  • I own both Insanity and 30 Day Shred and honestly, that doesn't surprise me. Insanity focuses on cardio and if you look closely at the pictures of people who "succeeded" they are skinnier but seem to lack definition besides maybe Abs. 30 Day Shred is great at toning which helps women shrink in sizes (which makes us look good in the mirror) and helps us lose weight. Also, 30 Day Shred seems easier to stick with. Insanity has a specific plan for each video, day, and what you must do. 30 Day Shred is the same video every day, slowly moving up levels, until 30 days is over.
  • Leanalgreen
    Leanalgreen Posts: 36 Member
    I own both Insanity and 30 Day Shred and honestly, that doesn't surprise me. Insanity focuses on cardio and if you look closely at the pictures of people who "succeeded" they are skinnier but seem to lack definition besides maybe Abs. 30 Day Shred is great at toning which helps women shrink in sizes (which makes us look good in the mirror) and helps us lose weight. Also, 30 Day Shred seems easier to stick with. Insanity has a specific plan for each video, day, and what you must do. 30 Day Shred is the same video every day, slowly moving up levels, until 30 days is over.

    I have to disagree here about the people who have succeeded with Insanity just looking "skinny". Yes, Insanity is high intensity interval training, which is phenomenal cardio work, but it also incorporates strength building. There are push ups, squats, jumps, sit ups, etc... all of these are designed to add muscle mass and burn fat.

    Toning is simply losing fat and muscle, which Insanity is perfect for.

    Al Green
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    Hi!! Ive tried the 30 day shred lost my 16lbs that Ive lost so far and that wasnt even sticking to it properly!! I just did it when I could 4-5 times a week I didnt tray too far from the program and yes I lost weight toned up a little but didnt notice any ripping, Im now on week 2 day 3 of Insanity and Ive lost 7lbs in a week! Bottom line is this - any exercise will get you results if you stick to it and eat right. Im actually thinking of bringing Jillian back 3 times a week because I liked using weights feel also that you do get a better after burn from using weights and hey if I have the energy left then why not? If you stick to it - it will work! x
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    I just wanted to add - if you feel like youve enjoyed your workout then youll want more, so pushing through 40 odd minutes of something your not enjoying for the sake of it will probably reflect in your effort. If your enjoying 30 minutes of shred its likely your pushing through with more effort. You can also be in control of your efforts by the weights that you use and that is whats good out the 30ds if you want to go back do it all again and get better results - up your weights! Stick to what you like, watch your calories find your balance and the results will follow. The results are not about wether its Shaun T or Jillian Michaels, its about YOU the results come from YOUR efforts how much you put in. No one can give it 100% except yourself. So give it what ever 'IT' is, 100% and youll get where you want to be! Have fun!! Good luck!! :)
  • daffodil23
    daffodil23 Posts: 11 Member
    I just wanted to add - if you feel like youve enjoyed your workout then youll want more, so pushing through 40 odd minutes of something your not enjoying for the sake of it will probably reflect in your effort. If your enjoying 30 minutes of shred its likely your pushing through with more effort. You can also be in control of your efforts by the weights that you use and that is whats good out the 30ds if you want to go back do it all again and get better results - up your weights! Stick to what you like, watch your calories find your balance and the results will follow. The results are not about wether its Shaun T or Jillian Michaels, its about YOU the results come from YOUR efforts how much you put in. No one can give it 100% except yourself. So give it what ever 'IT' is, 100% and youll get where you want to be! Have fun!! Good luck!! :)

    I think you're right about effort and attitude. When I was doing insanity I felt like it was torturous, and for me that's just not fun. I may just not be fit enough to get any "enjoyment" out of it. Yes I felt good after the workouts and I was even seeing my body tighten up after just the first week, but getting through each workout was awful, and I never looked forward to it. With 30DS, I do find it a little repetitive and therefore boring, but in my mind I'm thinking "It's only 20 minutes - I can DO this!", and I think that motivates me to push hard. So I think I'll do 30DS, maybe mixed up with a little Zumba when I feel like dancing, and hopefully someday I will be really READY for Insanity, and be able to give it 100% and get 100% results. Thanks for all the advice everyone!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    If you get bored with 30DS, there's also her Body Revolution programme.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    So weird, Microfiber! And was your diet different during the times you did the different programs? Thanks for your input!

    Nope. Not different at all.
  • thoess
    thoess Posts: 16
    30DS was good - I like it, because some days, I don't have 40+ minutes for insanity, and 30 DS is 26 minutes - makes a difference for me
    Insanity is harder / longer - every time that I complete a workout, I am pretty happy

    I like the quote I read in Pinterest - "Get Fit in the Gym, get skinny in the kitchen"
    The more that you work out, the hungrier that you get - and you can easily eat back your calories - because you ARE STARVING after an insanity max workout.
    Almost easier to not work out - and just watch what you eat - I personally think that is true, too

    For muscle definition - I actually went to kettlebells - sure making me stronger
    Kettlebells is the only thing that I have done, that made my insanity workouts easier.