Amazon Prime for my Kindle
Judging by the pumpkins i'm gonna say Farmer :)
@Crissy_Babe Blogger
@daveyboy Car Sales Man :)
I'm at work. Whoo hooo......working until 7 and coming back in to work saturday at 8. Fuuun!
Car salesman? :) I mean it in a good way
Diet medications Two new prescription medications were recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. One is Qsymia, which contains an anti-seizure drug with an appetite suppressant to make you feel full after eating. The other is Lorcaserin (to be sold as Belviq), which fools your brain into thinking you are full.…
It just surprises me how much people spend gaining weight on food....and how much MORE they are willing to spend to lose it.
Bring something of your own to the pot luck to eat :)
LOL Fancy meeting you here...I'm gonna say it again then. Gaston :))
Zeraus you do look Like Gaston...minus the hair :love: And thanks! I love Once!
@CarmenSRT Cinderella you have very delicate features
@joylia Mulan
Feta cheese.....avacado.....and salsa
Ummmm I didn't get a friend request....does that mean I lack in the awesome department?
That alone would be the best present ever :)
This. Home made gift sounds the best.
OMG that just made my morning!!
I thought exercise gets your blood you might not be able to sleep. But i'm with you. I have a kid and I need to take care of her first....its hard to get a work out in while she is awake. I sometimes go after she is asleep around 8 and walk for an hour or so.
Bumpidy Bump Bump Bada ba ba baaa I'm Lovin it
Thanks for the entertainment this dreary work day
And on and on my friends.... some people started posting it not knowing what is was And they'll continue posting it Forever just because.... This is the post that never ends It goes on and on my friends Some people started posting it not knowing what it was And they'll contuinue positing it forever just because.....
Tuna and Avacado! Yum!
Is this game still going?
I'm Trying! MFP isn't reloding that quickly. Can you make it go faster?!?
Pretty sure this isn't high school and we're grown adults. If someone is going to put someone else down via internet they need tougher skin.
I don't get it....what are we talking about?
Acutally, I that not the case?
What kind of game is this?