helenkenny9212 Member


  • Thanks to you both. You're dead right about the fitness goals. My routine gets jostled so much I feel I have to try new things all the time.Competing in a half is definitely on my list for the next year, I lived by a brilliant martial arts gym in my old town but yet to find one in Newcastle.
  • Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Sounds so cool. I am super out of practice and have put on a lot of weight since my last 5/10k. I think I'll get back up to being able to do a full 5k non-stop and then join in. Cheers
  • Tell me about it. I have gotten to goal, then back up, then back down. I am currently at my highest ever weight and want to make a change for good this time. I'm ditching the all or nothing approach. I want to make changes that I can sustain long term but I'm just starting out. Look on MFP for focus and inspiration, I'm on…
  • First of all, well done on your weight loss so far, that's a really impressive number. My advice would be to get involved in activities which assist your weightloss, but which are about more than just weight loss. For example, I'm starting Zumba tomorrow and have my first healthy cookery class tomorrow. I'm hoping they'll…