

  • I tend to enjoy festivities by bringing my own dogs or burgers of a healthier variety. Such as reduced fat Hebrew National dogs, or some veggie burgers. I don't have that much of a sweet tooth, so as long as I resist any presented urges to put nacho cheese on my hot dogs I'll be okay.
  • I've been doing exactly what Myfitnesspal tells me, and it works. At my size (started at 315 lbs, 5'11") I'm supposed to have just over 2,000 calories a day, and workout 90 minutes a week. I've been working out only slightly more than recommended, usually getting about 100-110 minutes, and i've been eating so that I'm at…
  • I was a vegetarian from age like 15 until I was about 20-21. I got some really bad depression about that time, and stopped caring enough to stay off meat, and have since started eating meat again. I still love a good vegetarian recipe, though.