

  • Greek yoghurt mousse: 125g low fat jelly crystals 200g plain yoghurt 1 egg white Mix the jelly with 200ml boiling water, put in the fridge to cool but not set. Once cool, mix jelly with yoghurt Beat egg white until soft peaks form Gently fold in egg white Pour in to servings, refrigerate. No idea if it tastes nice I…
  • I noticed this as well, lots of missed meals, and choosing 'generic' listings. It's best to choose the exact brand, or break down the ingredients if it's something like a gyro.
  • It tastes nice. Reminds me to drink a full glass of water in the morning. I think it gives me more energy but I'm also eating better. I tried the accelerator capsules and they gave me a massive surge of irritability and irrational anger.