

  • I have a Polar FT60 and the strap irritates my side from time to time. It's only on the side where you clasp the strap together. It rubs my skin raw and I get big red welts on my sides. Attractive huh!? I truly love my HRM and I can't workout without it. I will try moving the strap up under my sports bra tomorrow.
  • I replace my running shoes about every 6 months. I run 2-3 times a week and mix in the eliptical and strength training during the week. It is very important to do squats, lunges, leg extentions, weighted squats etc when you are running. If you have weak quads, you will begin to have knee problems. This happened to me! I…
  • I like to do: 1/2 cup plain oats 1/2 cup almond milk original 1 tsp of brown sugar or agave syrup cinnamon banana 1 tbsp of walnuts