bethieb Member


  • Hi guys!!! I've done real good with this challenge this week. Havent had any sweets or choc of any kind from Sunday xx
  • I can do this. I've not had any sweets or chocolate from yesterday I'm sure I can last until Sunday. Lets do this people xx
  • PS I am going to get 2lbs off this week!! I am going to eat completely clean and work my butt off!!!
  • Hey guys. I had a really hard week with having alot of chocolate in the house with all the kids easter eggs. I trained every day as normal and I ate great meals all week it was in the evening I ate chocolate almost every night. So hard with it being there right in front of me. I have weighed myself and I am still the same.…
  • Love this. Love a challenge. I train every day of the week anyway at the least 30 minutes every day but often more. I was a little discouraged this morning when I weighed myself and had had a gain despite being really good and having the odd chocolate/candy but have been working out like mad. I can only guess that its my…
  • Woohoo!!! Eveyone is on fire!!! We all have our little goals set to reach and I know we can do it. I want to loose 1lb a week well anything more would be amazing but I'm happy with 1lb because I know then it will stay off. so far on my 30DS I've lost 2lbs so I'm well pleased. Today I'm starting level 2. Anyone else doing…
  • I am trying to keep within my 1200 calories. I also find that low carb and high protein works best for me as I am training alot now. I try to keep my carbs at about 100g but this doesn't always happen. But generally I eat good healthy food trying to get my carbs from veg. I do have a treat day on a sunday but then since I…
  • Completed day 3 of level 1 today. Actually struggled today to get the motivation to do it but I got up and did it straight away then it was done and out of the way. So bring on day 4 tomorrow. I'm excited to see my body change. Keep up the great work everyone, you are all amazing!!!! :) x
  • I cook all my meals from scratch. I eat 3 meals a day and have maybe 2 snacks. I dont eat very many carbs and dont eat in the evening after 6pm. I eat things like chicken steaks fish eggs, plenty of veg, some fruit but not alot of fuit as I find its very sugary. I'm funny about anything low fat as it usual is very high in…
    in meals Comment by bethieb March 2013
  • I did this before and lost alot of weight cant remember exact amount but I think about 1st (14lbs) just 5 months ago. I would like to do it again. I'm going to start Monday as I'm starting my 15 week challenge on Monday x So i;m starting Monday 18th March. I also attend Zumba classes 3x a week so will be continuing to do…
  • Ok I think I have finally worked out how to add my photos. I am currently sitting at 139lbs. I carry all of my weight on my legs and bum and so I am least happy with them :( I also have a bit of a tummy as I only had my son 5 months ago. My goal for this 15 week challenge is to loose 19lbs and to try and tone up a bit…
  • Can someone help me how do I post pictures? xxx
  • Oh my goodness lol what is photobucket? lol i've no clue xx
  • Can someone tell me how I post my pictures on here? Thanx guys
  • Hi Everyone My name is Beth. I am 28 years old and I have just had a baby 5 months ago and my main reason for joining my fitness pal was to loose my baby weight. I was 189lbs after having my baby I am now down to 139lbs. I want to get down to 120lbs and get more toned and shredded. So basically I've 19lbs to get off. So I…
  • I started the 30 day shred on Tuesday. Did day 1 and 2 of level 1 then woke up this morning with what seemed like the flu :( so I have been in bed most of the day! Have eaten nothing and have slept most of the day. Raging that I had to skip DVD today but hoping I feel better to get black to it again and get day3 done. I…
  • I would like to loose about 12-14lbs by the new year! I can do!!!! xx
  • Hi, My Monday is going well so far!! feeling very positive today!! Determined to get some weight shifted and if my mind isnt in the right place well that wont happen, but as I say feeling good and very positive xx