CSmoak15 Member


  • You're welcome ... I struggled at first wondering what to eat and what not to and I spent a much longer time grocery shopping because I was picking up products off the shelf and looking at the lables. I have found this to help!
  • When I began this calorie diet I started my TOM two days later and it was horrible because I get the worst sweet cravings in the world and then to salty ones ... it sure was a huge struggle and with all the boating and cramping there is no urge or motivation to get up and exercise! I totally held out and splurged on a…
  • I'm not sure if you've tried it or not, but there is a new little product on the shelves similar to Crystal Light. It's called Mi0 Liquid and unlike Crystal Light this does not have sodium and it's a liquid format that you squirt in your water with zero calories ... it's amazing! I've always been a BIG tea drinker and I…