

  • i love bars and shakes and ive never heard about them being bad for your health. As far as im concerned they have alot of nutrients that your body needs and they are healthy and tasty. So if i ate only diet bars and shakes all day everyday i dont think anything bad would happen. Except i heard it gives some people gas or…
  • my guinea pigs first name was Cornbread Kuja Yusuke Kuwabara the Guinea Pig. Whenever he did something bad i yelled out his whole name and he knew i meant business
  • those stupid food coupons. Buy a sandwich get one free. Im by myself why the hell do i need two sandwiches? *goes to sandwich shop* um yes can i have two sandwiches. i have a coupon. ugggh those coupons are the worse!
  • wow everyone loves olive garden. You all sad some costly places. Where are the Burger kings and mcdonalds and chik fil a and sonic.s? Fast food places are resurants too... And they offer value meals that can be large sized for just fifty cents more........ Yum
  • im a nerd so i take a hot bath with candles/ incense buring and read a good book. After the bath i really start feelin the sexy get turned on. Then i watch a sappy movie by myself. Im totally feeling absolute sexy during the movie. Then afterwards um sleep. Perfect evening for me! During the whole time in wearing only…