

  • Hello Twylla, try going on it has awesome workout tips for women, diet tips and all that good stuff.. I use that as reference when im looking for a different workout routine, and if i want any supplements too.. But overall i use MFP as my diet regulator. so if u use both website (both have phone apps too!)…
  • Trayjay, you do not look 51! that is amazing! Grunt1, casein protein? i'm not too adventurous yet when it comes to supplements.. so far i just drink light protein shake after workout and some other diet pills on a cycle.
  • WOW! You guys are so helpful! Thank you! And CassieLEO, your thoughts on running are the same with mine, it actually works the major body musculature, but I went back on the stairmaster because I got tired of running, so hopefully as soon as i start shedding the weight i can run again! :) Fiedems, I like the way you put…