

  • Good for you, making you're own bread! I hear that is the only way to go with the gluten free type. Sadly, with no room for a bread machine or time to bake, I've just given up on bread entirely. BUT, I do get a lot of mileage out of corn tortillas (great with my eggs in the morning to make me not miss bread - especially if…
  • Oh, and deedeehawaii - you couldn't be more right, this should NOT be this hard! Especially for someone who genuinely likes healthy foods. I imagine it's related to why I have the extra 10 lbs. in the first place. And probably why the rest of my family (who do not live in the city and have to drive everywhere) is obese.
  • Spicy618, I think (hope) you're on to something. :tongue: Maybe it's just a poor choice of time to start dieting!
  • I just started round 1 of lean this morning (to be followed by classic) and was really impressed with core synergistics! It's nice to look forward to trying all the different workouts.
  • I've routinely ignored the automatic settings for proteins, carbs and fats on here and focused on calories - I agree, skewing toward protein makes me feel much better. I got advice on here today to even increase my protein more and adjust the settings (under 'Goals') to reflect it so I'm not constantly over any more. It's…
  • Doughd2: Just curious - I'm starting this tomorrow and wonder what you mean by 'your heart wasn't in it' . . . did you do the whole program but maybe with less effort or resistance? Skip days? I'm not sure what to expect and am just trying to get an idea. I'm a huge fan of the 'spoon-fed' approach. If I haven't thought of…
  • I just took a look at my iron for the first time yesterday and wasn't getting anywhere near enough. I hadn't really made the connection with how I'm feeling though. Thanks! I've had doctors use the words 'borderline anemic' too. It sounds like we have a similar set of issues and you've really got them figured out. And I'll…
  • Wow, I'm so grateful for all these thoughtful answers. jlb123, I do think I'll up the water and maybe try to front load the protein. I looked back and I've been getting 75-100g on a 1200 net calorie diet, but mornings seem a lot harder than the rest of the day. And I didn't know I could change those settings - thanks!
  • ccbeachbum: I think you've confirmed I need professional help . . . my morning smoothie has 30g protein, including 15 almonds. chgudnitz: I could lose quite a bit more than 10 lbs, I think. I'm 5'0", 130 lbs. I've never been accused of having a fast metabolism. :wink: And it's not in my head. It's a combination of real…
  • Water DOES help! I may be about to give in to some Crystal Light too (I normally don't have fake sugar either). How long did it take for you to get past this?
  • Yeah, I was surprised by that too, but that all dropped in the first couple of days with nothing since. I chalk it up to change of weigh-in times (early evening after eating all day v. first thing in the morning) together with some water weight.
  • It looks like we all go through this - thanks so much, all. Unfortunately, I still think there is something wrong with me: Large(r) breakfast, check Whole grains, check B vitamins, check (though no multi - will add that) Snacks, check Just sticking with it . . . working on it! :happy: Sometimes I find myself working out a…
  • Whoops. That was supposed to say 'balance the books'. I guess that's obvious.
  • I haven't heard of them, but the right workout is the one you're excited about, so it sounds like you've found it - let us know what you think!
  • That's really helpful, thank you. I think I'll stick with the 1200 before exercise since I have 14 lbs. to lose in no particular rush. Thanks!
  • Thanks, everyone! MrsBeck, I'm jealous - I get 1223 for BMR (and thank you for the pointer to that tool). You must be much younger!
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