

  • i didn't know what hunger felt like until i was on metformin for fertility issues. it's hard to explain to most people because, well, most people feel hungry, kinda hungry, etc, but i went from nothing to STARVING. when i eat a diabetic diet (i am not diabetic, by the way), i can feel hunger. the more i focus on protein,…
  • 8/1 i don't remember 8/2 60 minutes circuit training (23 hours left!) 8/3 rest day 8/4 60 minutes circuit training (22 hours left) 8/5 60 minutes total treadmill/elliptical/stair climber (21 hours left) 8/6 60 minutes circuit training; 1 hour walking outside (19 hours left) 8/7 1 hour 15 minutes class; 2 hours walking (15…
  • my motivation comes partly from fear and partly because i'm NOT the woman i WANT to be. i have four fairly young children, i want to PLAY with them! this time is so fleeting. i want to live to see my grandkids. diabetes is rampant in my family, with strokes and heart disease thrown in. when i look at the food at our family…
  • add in avadados (guacamole with nut thins or veggies!!!!), make sure you're eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. if i skip breakfast i don't eat much. maybe add a vegetarian protein into smoothies. . . and some dairy and whole eggs.
  • 8/7 1 hour 15 minutes class; 2 hours walking (15 hours 45 minutes left) 8/8 30 minutes walking, HOPING to get another hour in (15 hours, 15 minutes left) total time done: 465 minutes total time left: 975 minutes left :D
  • EXACTLY! getting my kids what they need without me gaining a ton is exhausting!
  • mind if i join in? love this idea! 8/1 i don't remember 8/2 60 minutes circuit training (23 hours left!) 8/3 rest day 8/4 60 minutes circuit training (22 hours left) 8/5 60 minutes total treadmill/elliptical/stair climber (21 hours left) 8/6 60 minutes circuit training; 1 hour walking outside (19 hours left) i'm doing a…
  • hi! i'm a mom with 4 kids (5, 7, 9 in 2 weeks and 10). i have about 50 pounds to lose still (i think, will know better when i get closer). i started exercising a little 2 months ago, but about 2 1/2 weeks ago i started REALLY paying attention to what i'm doing. so, i'm just a few weeks ahead of you. i can ALREADY play more…
  • thanks for the encouragement!
  • i'm a picky eater, too, but i've been FORCING myself to keep trying. i got rid of all white flour and white sugar. i replaced pop with water years ago. . . i was never a breakfast eater, i pretty much drank coffee until 2ish and then ate like crazy, mostly bread. this time my motivation isn't size, it's HEALTH, i WANT to…