transgeek Member


  • I have T25 and love it. In order to "build" muscle, you will need to get the Gamma version (which is separate)...where all the workouts except for Speed 3 are weighted. You will need to tweak calories to add muscle. Hope this helps.
  • This has got to be a joke or something. You need at least 1200 calories/day...and doing cross fit? You need more. You must have an eating disorder.
  • I'm in Week 4 and I LOOOOOOOOVE this workout! Looking forward to the Beta phase and thinking about buying Gamma phase! Good luck!
    in Focus T25 Comment by transgeek July 2013
  • Since you are running a lot and not eating enough, your body thinks it is starving...therefore will hold onto everything. Try raising your caloric intake. There are plenty of calculators out there that can help. :smile:
  • If you want to try a style of yoga that is relaxing, try a restorative class. Many of the poses are supported by using props (i.e. blocks, blankets, bolsters). I started yoga 5 years ago for back issues and started with Bikram. Bikram is very good for beginners, since you do the same 26 poses in the same order. After a…